Death, the lover of life

Few of us see death as part of life. There is a very childish collective image about death, like a child who fears the bogeyman under the bed.
When we gather courage and welcome it, we perceive death as a lover of life, honorable and full of tenderness, following its function regardless of our will.

The passionate lover is the one who looks at the beloved and feels deep tenderness, a burning desire to be close. When the encounter takes place, they merge into a sacred union. At the time of farewell, the two of them have their hearts, bodies and minds renewed. This is a profound encounter – I dare say it is one of the most profound that I know of. Life and death dancing.

Death, the lover of life
Unsplash/Sharon McCutcheon

In this moment when so many leave and take our parts, cycles are closed in ventures and final points happen in relationships, transforming the view that one has of death has become a task: our homework. I like to think so.

When the present moment brings its message, we had better sit back and listen to what it has to say.

To accept death, to transform the way we look at this lover is to be a little more whole in life. This means accepting consequences from it and, in addition, facing naturally what it causes us: sadness, grief, introspection, anger, review, loneliness, tears, isolation and scars.

Digesting death and its effects is to generate energy for the body, mind and heart.

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It is to be reborn in courage and life. We leave a funereal, rigid childhood vision and move on to a more mature look, understanding that the bitter medicine is as necessary as the sweetness of honey. What's more, death is an invitation to look at our attachments and selfishness.

For those who leave, whether a person, business or relationship, death brings the message of mission accomplished, the end point of pain, suffering and heavy burdens.

Death, the lover of life
Unsplash/Rhodi Lopez

Everything I was most afraid to face during the pandemic dies: trauma and old burdens. What dies in you? What have you insured that you can't stand anymore? What are your goodbyes? What feelings does death bring that you are struggling to deal with, denying and repressing them?

Death will make you reborn. Respect that fact. Trust it. It's a natural cycle.

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