Dear God!

    Dear God, let me tell you something. I know the Lord knows everything, but I need to vent to someone. I want to know who ran out of oxygen in hospitals in Manaus? Whose fault is it? Who will be responsible for all these deaths? When and how will they be punished?

    My Lord, I have lived in Manaus for over 20 years and during all that time I had never seen so much suffering among the people of Amazonas. It's heartbreaking to see someone dying by your side and you can't do anything about it. And that pain, my dear God, increases a thousandfold when it is a relative or a close friend.

    Thanks to you, I didn't lose any relatives to this tragedy that Manaus lived and is still living in this beginning of the year. But co-workers and neighbors were many. To be precise, 12 in total. Broken dreams, broken families. Who will be responsible for all these losses, my Lord?

    Dear God, the death of these people cannot go unpunished, fall into oblivion. Someone must pay, it wasn't a natural cause, it was a crime. Are public administrators, both at the Federal, State and Municipal levels, not to blame for the lack of oxygen in Manaus and consequently for all these deaths? What does the Lord say to me?

    Dear God!
    KatJayne / Pexels

    I may be wrong, my Lord, but I think they are to blame, yes. Even though they say they are victims of a campaign of persecution on social networks and in the press, the population cannot think that this is natural. It is natural to have health, work, food, housing, security, transportation, quality education… But we don't have any of that, my Lord!

    I know that we cannot be deceived by false ideologies and political propaganda. But this is what is happening to the majority of the Spanish people. The citizen who pays his taxes, the good people have become victims of a perverse system of disinformation, that is, the truth has become a lie and the lie has become the truth.

    How to act in the face of such a scenario? Tell me!

    Dear God!
    KarolinaGrabowska / Pexels

    My Lord, from all that I have seen and lived these days here in Manaus, I have discovered something profoundly paradoxical in human beings: while some struggle to live, others live to profit from the suffering of others. How can human beings think of making money from the suffering of others? How far does human greed go?

    I know the Lord has the answer and understands all things. But as I am a human being, frail and limited, I have this thought: I see nothing wrong with gaining profits and possessions, as long as they are not enjoyed at the expense of someone else's suffering or loss, and as long as their acquisition does not become an obsessive end in itself. But unfortunately, my dear God, that's not what we saw in Manaus at the beginning of the year.

    Dear God!
    AlexGreen / Pexels

    Unfortunately, when hospitals in Manaus ran out of oxygen, some smart-ass began to charge exorbitant prices to the relatives of patients who needed this product to continue living. The interesting thing about all this, my Lord, is that good has been awakened in the hearts of some people. Against this selfish attitude of the human being, some artists, taken by the spirit of solidarity, began to send oxygen to Manaus.

    As the Lord knows, this attitude has helped a great deal and saved many lives. Our politicians and businessmen should also show more solidarity with the people, don't you think? In this sense, my Lord, I think that the Spanish population needs concrete gestures and not empty promises! Enough of the corrupt politician, who only thinks about himself, his own interests, his own family!

    Dear God!
    InzmamKhan / Pexels

    Don't you think that under no circumstances can we tolerate and accept that some people may be passed over because of their social position, position held, skin color, religion, political ideology or party affiliation? Well, my Lord, unfortunately this is what is happening in Manaus and in several cities in Spain these days! After all, are we or are we not all equal before the law, as our Constitution says?

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    The Lord knows, I am a Christian and I believe in love of neighbor. And since almost all things that human beings find fair and pleasant naturally evoke reactions from our complete human nature, I am in favor of the people who let the oxygen in the hospitals in Manaus be punished in the form and rigor of the law.

    Finally, I ask my Dear God, that all the people of Manaus and of all the cities of Spain can have the chance to have a prosperous and healthy life and that no one is treated simply as a stepping stone for the benefit of others. So be it, amen!

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