Day 4 of the Inner Child Healing Journey – Transform Your Life in a Few Days

Day 4 of the Inner Child Healing Journey – Transform Your Life in a Few Days
Hello Beloveds! In our fourth day of the Inner Child Healing Journey, let's learn three simple but powerful techniques that can solve problems quickly. From emotional pain to physical pain, which, with a few touches and breaths, we can identify the cause and relieve the pain.

It is very important that you write down the tips and techniques in your notebook to refer to whenever you need to. Ideally, you watch each video to learn, do the exercise presented, and then watch it again to take notes. You can also pause the video and take notes!

I invited some professionals who were my students to participate in this journey. Today, who presents the tips and techniques is the psychologist and constellator Josi Peluccio, in three short videos. Enjoy!

Inner Child Self-Sabotage

Biologically, we are formed by 50% of our father and 50% of our mother, and being aware of this fact helps us to resolve or alleviate pain. The video exercise below teaches about reconnecting with our parents and the Natural Antibiotic we have inside us. In addition to explaining, it teaches the points we can touch on ourselves to alleviate many current issues.

The Natural Antibiotic we have in us

The video below complements the previous exercise. It explains that each of us has our place in the family, in life and in the world. We often switch roles and leave our seat. This happens unconsciously and can lead to physical and emotional problems. When we put ourselves in the place of children, we can realize that β€œONLY” for life we ​​are and will be eternally grateful to our parents, even those who didn't even get to know one of them. We all make mistakes, many leave too soon and leave enormous pain in our inner child. Who said we are perfect parents for our children?

Well, we are what we are, just as they were what they could be. Understanding this fact makes us find our place in life. In the video below, an explanation and an exercise that shows us how they were warriors for us to be here today. Inhale, exhale and don't freak out!

Who are our parents? How did we get here?

Beloved, did you like the tips and techniques we've presented so far? Are you practicing and seeing the results? I explain that the content we are making available on this journey is part of our private service, in which thousands of people have already had results through the sessions. In addition to our patients / clients, we therapists also practice in difficult times, those moments that all human beings have! It is worth it!


We are finishing our journey. Tomorrow will be our fifth and final day and today's activity is that you practice the techniques you wrote down in your notebook to test them and fix them in your mind and heart. Laziness and procrastination will not help you. Learning is not enough, the result comes only with practice, which must continue after this journey. Think that you have done other journeys, therapies, went through religions, doctors, etc., but if something is still missing, this something is in you, in your willpower, in taking the right steps without waiting for the miracle to fall from the sky, because the MIRACLE IS and IS in YOU!

Day 4 of the Inner Child Healing Journey – Transform Your Life in a Few Days

Tomorrow I will be here with you for our last day, teaching you how to get up after the slips that end up appearing, because inside us dwells the adult, the inner child and also a hero (heroine) capable of conquering all your desires, but above all there is a greater force that can have several names, depending on the belief of each one, a force that we often do not know how to access and that most people call GOD. We'll talk about it tomorrow.

Be well, be with God

kiss in the soul

Raquel Koury

Start the journey HERE


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