Curriculum, where success begins

    A good resume can be the gateway to your success. It needs to be kept up to date and revised, as you don't know when your dream opportunity will arise. Skills, such as: being dynamic, interpersonal and communicative, are essential for a negotiation and, at the time of the interview, that will be exactly what you will demonstrate to the listener(s).

    As a salesperson sells goods or services, you will need to “sell” yourself to the recruiter by showing your skills and a series of properties that you already know. A résumé is your professional and academic content that’s shrunk down to two pages.

    The experiences they have passed are of great value if the position sought and that the curriculum intended fits. This part can be described by positions, areas or companies. There is no difference. The differential issue is in the activities summarized in the description.

    Curriculum, where success begins

    Salary expectation? Negotiation needed! As for buying a piece of furniture or property, services or goods, there must be counterparts, about salary it must be seen directly at the time of the interview. If questions arise about the benefits package, compensation, don't be afraid to ask. Work that values ​​your ability is preferable to one that pays you well, but doesn't develop you.

    If there are many of short duration, join them all in a single title, add the workload and define the teaching or learning institutions. If any additional training is relevant, for example: exchanges (courses abroad), put it on your resume.

    Do not apply in the application if you require fluency in a language, but do not have it. Be humble in admitting yourself and seek that empowerment. Take language courses, whether in person or virtual, keep up to date. Language proficiency certifications have great weight, because in addition to adding points to your CV, it also sets you apart from the competition with a differential.

    Tune your mother tongue. As important as knowing how to define yourself and say who you are in a job interview, it is not making mistakes in Portuguese in a document that will be your passport to success. Review first, ask a friend, teacher or mentor for help, but don't attempt an application without a review.

    Curriculum, where success begins

    If you leave your current job for a dream job and you have to give up something that will harm your job, don't leave. Understand that, for your development, the company you contribute with your services needs to move forward. And the path to follow this idea and reach success is part of the curriculum.

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