Critical mass reached

    Critical mass reached

    Beloved! No effort is in vain! Each soul, joining together in a higher purpose, multiplies the possibilities a thousand times. So you who joined the group in the Great Meditation of 21-12-1, were no longer one, but multiplied by a thousand the energy of the intentions placed there.

    As for the number of participants, yes, you were one more, and together we reached the minimum critical mass of 144 thousand participants. A little more than an hour after the end of the meditation, we can already know the positive result obtained.

    This makes everything shorter and smoother. Now, everything will speed up even more. The intentions placed in this meditation will soon manifest and humanity as a collective will benefit as, thanks to your contribution and your choice, the domain of the shadows will be shortened. Humanity will finally have some peace even before the Event. We are heading into the final days of Old Earth. In the mathematics of the Creator, the giver has credit. You, who donated today and in other opportunities, will certainly receive bonuses according to your work.

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    When we say that the Light has won, it is because in the higher planes, it has already materialized. It is like the thunder that is already right after the lightning, even if its thunder has not yet been heard. Today's meditation was lightning. Rest assured that the thunderstorm will come soon. THE LIGHT WON!

    Gratitude for the company in this current existence, the most important and incredible of all we had here on this beautiful Blue Planet.

    I'm Vital Frosi and we're together until after the final!

    Hugs of Light!

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