Creativity is ageless – pay attention to your Creative Spirit

    “Who never made a mistake, never tried to do something new.”

    — Albert Einstein.

    In addition to meditating and practicing yoga, I have the habit of walking through the streets of the neighborhood, where I live in São Paulo, with an interior city air, tree-lined streets, old houses near condominiums with several towers. I take the opportunity to meditate as I walk, relax the mind and exercise the body.

    I have incredible experiences, my mind relaxed, my soul calm and suddenly an idea comes up, intuition or solution “appears” in front of me.

    What does this mean?

    When we enter natural states of mental and physical relaxation, the creative spirit arises. A flash, the blossoming of ideas, animating our way of being in the world. There is a joyful energy to innovate, explore new possibilities and ways of acting, feeling, making choices and turning dreams into reality.

    Os Creative moments are essential in all areas of our lives: personal, professional, relationships, leisure, financial, spiritual, health and others.

    When we adopt a new attitude in relation to our actions and this attitude gives results, it means that we use our creativity!

    When we go beyond the old ways of solving life's challenges to success, we are able to inspire people. So, our creativity takes on a very valuable social dimension.

    Are we going to feel a little more how it happens or does the creative moment arise?

    Anatomy of the Creative Moment

    Creativity is ageless – pay attention to your Creative Spirit

    Preparing the way: diving into a challenge-problem, investigating any relevant information. Leave the imagination free and open to everything related to the challenge. Be receptive and listen to everything, without judgment and criticism. Getting out of psycho sclerosis, hardening of attitudes. Turn down the volume of the inner saboteur's voice, that annoying, insistent voice saying, "Are you crazy?", "It won't work!", "This idea is too obvious!". Frustration can arise as the rational mind reaches its maximum limit. Warming up your brains and accepting that there is a “darkness” before the “dawn” helps to get on the trail of the creative moment. People can fail because they give up before their time, persistence is a strong ally. Otherwise, the rational mind surrenders to the problem and we can fall into victimism.

    Incubation: After analyzing all the relevant possibilities and straining the mind, we can let the challenge-problem “cook on a low heat”. Now it's time to digest everything you've gathered. Preparation calls for activity and incubation calls for passivity. “Sleep with the problem”, leave it in the unconscious. Two movements happen: taking the problem out of the “dark” and, at the same time, the mind searches for conscious and unconscious answers. Then the answer may come in a dream, before deep sleep, or when you wake up in the morning. The unconscious mind is the repository of everything we know, it is richer than the conscious mind, it has more information. It speaks beyond words, knows the deepest feelings, fantasies, this knowledge is called intuition. Trusting intuition is trusting the wisdom of the unconscious mind.

    Daydream: here, we feel more receptive to the daydreams of the unconscious mind, when we are light, relaxed, not thinking about the challenge-problem. For example, when I walk through the streets of the neighborhood where I live. Another amazing moment is when I'm taking a shower! Leave the mind free and light, so that the “creative solution” comes to the conscious mind. “We need a place where the mind chatter about what we are and what we are doing is silenced.”

    Lighting: after immersion, cooking in a bain-marie and daydreaming, we can reach enlightenment. Suddenly the answer appears, like a light, a click, a button that lights up inside our head or heart. So we say: “That's it!, but the final step is translation, when we take the idea and turn it into action. Translating enlightenment into reality makes the idea useful for us and for others.

    Creativity is ageless – pay attention to your Creative Spirit

    discover how you think, feel and make your choices, taking different paths from these suggested steps. The creative act is a long sequence of steps, with various preparations, frustrations, incubations, illuminations and translations in action!

    It's up to you to value and explore this inexhaustible treasure.

    You have four tools to expand your creativity:

    Faith in one's own creativity;

    Lack of judgment (internal saboteur);

    accurate observation;

    Assertive questions.

    To inspire your process, I leave some tips or provocations:

    Do you recognize your creative process? Time, steps and rhythms?

    What are the activities that leave you in a relaxed state and the mind light to receive intuitions?

    Waiting for time to mature a decision is distressing?

    Have you ever thought about having a logbook of your dreams? I have one… It's amazing! You can use creativity to write poetry, make collages, drawings, narratives and even use other resources!

    Great practices of creative moments…

    Loving embrace!

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