Creative New Year: Cool ideas for your party

The New Year's party is the last moment to celebrate the achievements and challenges overcome in the past twelve months, and it is also the event to renew energies for the cycle that begins, wishing you the best feelings and events. Each person passes the turn in a different way. Some go to the beach, others drive to a farm. There are those who stay at home and those who go to friends or family.

Among all the possible ways to spend the New Year, however, what cannot be missing is animation, happiness, harmony, peace and the best energies flowing through the environment and through each person. Getting out of the loop at a traditional event isn't easy, but there are some changes you can make. To make sure this party is the best it can be, here's what you can do to make it extra special!

How to innovate in the New Year's dinner?

Creative New Year: Cool ideas for your party

The New Year's dinner is known for bringing foods that bring luck for the future cycle, or that attract good energies. Some of them are lentils, pomegranate, grapes, grains, dried or candied fruits, bay leaf and pork. Ingesting these foods will have the effect of a sympathy, ensuring that the new cycle is full of good vibes.

Many people are afraid to take a chance on New Year's Eve dinner and end up making a mistake, and opt for the more traditional options. The foods mentioned above can still be combined with a cod recipe or even a roasted ham. All dishes are delicious, but to innovate you have to go beyond them.

The first way to innovate in the New Year's dinner is to follow a vegan menu. As most people know the importance of building a habit that respects animals and the environment, it will be a beneficial change for everyone, to start the year with more love and equality. In addition, it will be an interesting experience for your palate and for the palates of your guests, who are used to the usual flavors.

Another way to bring innovation to your supper is to share functions. Usually, the people in the house where the party is being held are responsible for doing everything, and this can overwhelm them. It doesn't have to be that way! Make a surprise supper and define which part of the meal each person should provide: starter, main course and dessert. Don't comment on which dish each one chose and let the reveal be part of the party!

A super fun way to make New Year's dinner different is to invite the kids to choose the menu. After all, it is important that they become aware from an early age about the preparation of food and the choice of dishes for the party. Ask them what they want and invite them to cook. That way, when it's time to eat, they'll be able to say they've prepared dinner! But remember that they shouldn't do everything alone, okay?

Decorating ideas for the New Year

Creative New Year: Cool ideas for your party
Yulia Grigoryeva/123RF

The most traditional way to decorate the house for the New Year is betting on colors like white, silver and gold. These are colors that refer to renewal and celebration, being an ideal request for the purpose of the party. But does it have to be this way every year? Find out what you can do to make your party decor more modern and different!

If you have a specific request for the coming year, such as having more tranquility, more money, more love or more energy, you can leave your home decor based on the color that represents your desire. To have more love, for example, invest in red and pink, using this tone for the tablecloth. Or, add heart-shaped balloons around the house, so love is in the air!

A new year with more tranquility calls for the color blue in every detail. On tablecloths, napkins, glasses and even blinkers this tone can be present. You can even stick TNT or blue cardstock on a wall, so it's a peaceful photo spot. To further stimulate this type of vibe, you can sprinkle lavender or chamomile essence around the room where the party will take place.

To bring more money into your pocket next year, yellow and gold should stand out at your party. In addition to the table set in this color, you can also bet on yellow flowers or artificial golden versions, for a touch of classic luxury in the environment. They can even be used to decorate a special corner, which is where people will take their family photos.

Who needs more health and more hope in the New Year should have the green color in evidence at the time of the party. You can put green cellophane on an LED lamp so that the light turns greenish, bringing an unusual change to the environment. If you want, you can even incorporate a forest atmosphere, bringing potted plants and floral arrangements to the decor. At the end of the party, you can still offer these vases to your guests, especially if they are small cactus vases.

If you want to have more energy after the turn, orange is your color. In this case, in addition to bringing that tone on the napkins and tablecloth, you can put together a playlist with lively songs, which awaken anyone's willpower. You can even rent a karaoke machine, which will work as a decoration for the party if you add colorful masks around it, to be used by anyone who dares to sing. It will be a very fun celebration!

Stimulating your connection to spirituality is also a good way to start the year, and the color purple can help you with that. Choose amethyst stones to decorate the dining table or coffee table, allowing it to cleanse the environment and attract only the best thoughts and feelings in this celebration. You can even gift your guests with the stones they prefer, as a good luck charm.

Much renegade at the time of the New Year, the color black can also fulfill its role in this moment of celebration. It does not represent death or negativity, as you think. She is a symbol of independence and decision-making, which can make all the difference in your year. For the party not to be too dark, bet on some details in that color and leave the space well lit, contrasting with the black decor.

What to do in the New Year for fun?

Creative New Year: Cool ideas for your party
Cottonbro / Pexels

If you already have the ritual of jumping the seven waves on the beach, if you already eat grains and fruits at New Year's Eve and if you already open a champagne when the clock strikes midnight, an innovation when having fun in the New Year will do a lot. good for you and whoever is by your side during the party. Learn how to do this!

We often want to forget about all the negative events that have held us back during the past year. We believe that focusing on the good things is what matters, and that we will be polluted with negativity if we think about everything we need to face. But doing this exercise can actually be a lot of fun.

People who live outdoors or who have a room without items that break can buy plaster plates and permanent markers. Each person should write on the plates what made them worried during the year, what they had to face and what has already been overcome. And then, with goggles and with great care, everyone can throw the dishes on the floor and destroy the negative feelings these memories bring, in a powerful and fun process of release.

Another way to have fun in the New Year is to bet on games and games that can be done without planning. Mimicry, hangman, follow the master and board games are fun and simple options that can cheer people up even indoors. If noise is not an issue, you can even arrange for karaoke or a dance step contest, leaving the party looking relaxed and full of energy.

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A super different and creative way to spend the New Year is to advance Carnival a little bit. Did not understand? You and your guests could choose a costume theme for the evening, such as “movie characters”, “colors” or whatever your imagination allows. And then, you guys dress up according to the theme, take pictures and put on a show to show what you've created. It will be a memorable and special party!

If you're not going to have a New Year's party for many people and you don't really like activities that demand physical effort, a movie and series marathon can also have a lot of fun. Make a list of what you like to see the most and prepare some popcorn. It's okay to enjoy the New Year in a different way than usual, if that's the way you like it the most!

If you want a fun, innovative and unforgettable New Year's party, follow the tips we have prepared and make this event in the memory of all the people you love the most. Activate your creativity to innovate more and more over the years!

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