Countless times people said it was luck

    Since I was little, I've always had a very strong strength to get things done. I never waited for the ideal time, because somehow I always knew it didn't exist. There was a time when I ended up losing that strength, momentarily, to carry out and follow. After all, life is like that. It didn't take long for me to get back on my feet. I say it didn't take long, because I didn't stay in that state, paralyzed, my whole life from that point on, but everything is processes.

    Nothing in my life came easy. I really wish the mantra “everything in life comes to me easily…” was like this since I was born, but the truth is that everything came with a lot of work and effort. Make an effort!

    As the youngest in the family, I was born right in the middle of an economic and political crisis. Anyone born in Spain is automatically born in the crisis, I know, but this was one of the most memorable. I was not as lucky to study in private and good schools as my older brothers. My teaching was a salad, as I had to move many times between state and municipal schools due to the changes we were making to be closer to my father's work. I only really enjoyed studying when I entered college, at 17. I thought about studying everything I didn't study. Since then, I have taken free, technical and undergraduate courses and have not stopped.

    I took courses with the money I saved up for a down payment or with the help of my parents, who always found a way to support me in everything I did. If they weren't courses themselves, they were books to study on their own.

    Countless times people said it was luck
    Motizova by Getty Images Pro / Canva / Me Without Borders

    I saw my friends travel all the time to all the amazing places around the world, and even though I wanted to do the same thing, I was content to do what I could at the moment: study and work. Work has always been something I have done with pleasure, since I was 14 years old, when I started as a young apprentice.

    These gifts, I inherited from my parents, my mother's study and my father's entrepreneurship.

    I undertook, made projects, found partnerships, opened and closed CNPJs. Many things went wrong and others went right, as far as I understand.

    Nowadays I don't have the exact idea of ​​how many times I've done all this: study, take courses or undertake, but I know that all this has taken me where I am now and will take me to other places that are still unknown, but incredible.

    Countless times people said it was luck
    mspoli by Getty Images / Canva / Me Without Borders

    Many people appear many times and say it was luck, but it really was, since luck means the meeting of opportunity with preparation!

    It takes a lot of preparation to be willing to deal with the opportunity presented to us. It takes a lot of discipline, determination, focus, willpower and planning to make it happen. It's not simply thinking positively and waiting sitting on the couch or choosing to do anything else that is not in line with your goal because "today I just want to unwind."

    This all requires a lot of patience too, a gift inherited by the gift of knowing how to wait for things to happen, together with the consistency you practice daily. It's taking the money that may be scarce at the moment, but using it intelligently, applying it to what will bring a return. That, yes, is being lucky!

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    That's why, nowadays, when I hear from people that things are difficult and that they can't find a way out, I think: “Is it not?” Everything has a way out. However, everything is a matter of priority.

    Do you know where you put your energy and your priority to make it happen or not?

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