Cool and different places for the first date

Cool and different places for the first date

Behold, you have an appointment, but it's not just any date: it's the first date with that nice guy or that powerful woman you met. What can you do to spend quality time getting to know this person, but at the same time innovate without forcing any situation? Opting for a more cult or more adventurous date?

It may seem difficult to impress your partner and provide an unforgettable first date, but it really all depends on what image and feeling you want to convey. Come check out 7 options for amazing places to boost your first date.


Every city has some special place, and this is a nice choice because it allows you to talk a lot, without so many distractions. So, while they get to know each other, they also get to know a little more about the city.

Another idea is to visit viewpoints and lighthouses that are super-romantic. Have you ever thought about you talking and admiring the sunset? In addition to giving an incredible view of the city, it still has an air of a chic movie with the golden light illuminating their faces.

Parks, arcades or arcades

If visiting tourist spots seemed too intimate for you, we also have more dynamic options: parks, arcades or arcades – whatever you prefer to call them – are excellent ways to meet your crush while having lots of fun.

They say it's in competitive situations that you meet someone, and while men are famous for being competitive, don't underestimate women! In the end, no one likes to lose, no matter how silly the game is.

You can even place a bet in the style of “the loser fulfills a winner's wish”, very cliché from a movie, but it can be cute. If you want to convey the image of a young and fun spirit, bet on this place.

Bars and pubs with games

If you like the idea of ​​games, bars and pubs are also a great choice. After all, whether in snooker, darts or even playing cards, there are two sides: fun and competition, but also relaxation, while you can drink together and get to know one more about the other. With the atmosphere, the game and the drinks, you're likely to give off the vibes of a more mature, but fun person.

Exhibitions, museums and bookstores

If you want to surprise your intellectual date, bet on cultural encounters, such as tours of exhibitions and museums. In that case, a trip to the bookstore is essential, but keep in mind that a book lover won't just stop by the bookstore, they can be entertained for hours inside one. It's a good opportunity to get to know your partner's personal tastes better and to absorb the culture.


It might not be easy to find karaoke rooms, but nowadays there are several restaurants that allow their customers to let their voices out. It doesn't matter if you're a good singer or a bad one: in karaoke, everyone sings along and has fun. Also, pay attention to the choice of your partner, because the music you hear and sing says a lot about someone's personality and is still a way to bring up the subject and even ask for musical recommendations, increasing the affinity between you.

Public park

For romantics and those who like to date early or in the afternoon, parks are an option with a range of activities that can be developed. You can just walk while you talk, rent bikes and go for a walk, play basketball or football on the park court, or even have a quiet activity like a picnic. Or they can opt for all activities, if the mood allows. Whatever the activity, a date in the park brings an air of tranquility and peace, as it is outdoors.


And, for adventurers out there, we have the last option on the list, which, despite not being easy to find, is the option that involves the most adrenaline. An encounter with high speeds is, without a doubt, a memorable encounter. But make sure your date also enjoys more extreme activities; otherwise, you'll enjoy yourself while your company just sits somewhere.

If the two of you are extreme, this date is going to be a lot to talk about, and you're likely to meet more than once.

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In conclusion, it is always good to positively surprise your loved one, and it is extremely important to remember that the first date can change everything – it can be the first of many, or the first and last. Be genuine and go without fear. Betting on something memorable is valid regardless of anything, because who doesn't like to have fun and get out of the monotony of restaurant meetings?

And no matter the age, gender or the like, the first date always brings that butterflies in the belly and fear of committing a faux pas. However, some situations and tight skirts can be avoided, so also check out 5 tips for the first date and learn how to develop a conversation without leaving the atmosphere awkward. With everything in mind, have fun!

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