Constellations X Zeno Effect

    Hello beloved!
    Today I come to talk about the Zeno effect used in the Constellations and in LIFE!

    How many times have we heard that we must create an image of our goals and then RELEASE, so that the Universe takes care of materializing this dream or goal???

    Whenever we observe something or we look at a situation, the behavior of what is observed, TIME! 

    But what does this have to do with Constellation Raquel??? 
    When we have a problem and we look at it and reframe, we put everything related to this problem in motion. So, this movement will continue on its own (somehow) until we get the desired effects. So, when we Constelamos, we are also resignifying the traumas and patterns that are repeated in our system. That done, we have already started the movement and we should no longer focus on the issues seen in the quantum field. If we keep looking or trying to understand, we are changing the mental image (already created) all the time.

    As in the techniques of co-creation, materialization of dreams into reality and mental reprogramming, after we “look” and take the necessary steps, we have to take the thought away from that and be grateful for “having already conquered”. It's called FAITH. Faith in the method, faith in yourself, faith in God, it doesn't matter. Faith is the certainty that that situation is already resolved, and at the right time we will receive in the best way if we are in: consonance with the desire, belief in the method and the certainty of success, main characteristics of FAITH.

    If we are always looking, focused on that issue, we are giving space to the DOUBT. So we put everything to waste.

    And how can I reframe Rachel? 
    Well, if you know, resignifying values, beliefs and paradigms is a process of self-knowledge and development. Some people can do it on their own, but others need a little professional help. In the case of constellations, a systemic psychotherapist is indicated, at least to learn how to resignify and then RELEASE, and then receive.
    I explain a little more in the video, and at the end of the article I invite you to participate in a free online healing journey with me, where we can re-signify together.

    Looking at years of "dirt" that we've thrown under the rug is not so easy. You have to want to break the patterns to find yourself. However, the most effective healing methods and techniques aim to come up with some better images of solution and then “RELEASE” and thank you for the “thing” already achieved. The Universe understands this as true and everything will conspire to make it happen and make you even more grateful, in an infinite cycle of successes or failures, depending on your focus and how much you trusted the process you did.

    Many people ask me why they are doing everything “right” and with them the techniques don't work in practical life? If you find yourself in this situation, in one or more areas of your life, professional follow-up is recommended to help you see why you are not getting better. The specialized therapist or coach will be able to help you see where the “flaw” is that, once corrected, everything starts to flow.

    If psychotherapy has done you good, it is excellent to advance in it, resignifying other points of your life that are still resistant to other techniques you've already used. Once a job is done in the family sector (for example), the therapist will be able to help you in your profession or relationships, etc., until you go "putting the house in order". Your house, your temple in order.

    Constellations X Zeno Effect

    We must use the past as a TRAMPOLINE that takes us to a quantum leap and not like a SOFA, where we stay stagnant, thinking about what happened, in the past or praying for future solutions. Having done what needs to be done, we have to learn to live in the present and surrender everything else. Either we deliver with FAITH or we stay in attachment, fear and doubt, which will not lead to the necessary change we want in our life.

    I invite you to participate in one more CURE DAY with me. This will also be Online and Free. Our cycles and journeys have helped thousands of people a year. Sign up below to receive more information. 

    Come with me and let's heal together!


    A big kiss.

    You may also like other articles by the author: Family Constellation: It didn't work with me! Because?!

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