Conscious Adoption: How to Adopt a Pet

Conscious Adoption: How to Adopt a Pet

Pets are charming, they are a direct source of affection and can be great company. The animals best known for adapting to the environment of homes are cats and dogs. Many factors condition the good relationship of owners with their animals and their behavior in relation to the habitat in which they live.

Pets are those that are able to adapt to the environment in which humans live and to the routine of their owner. Flexible and easy to learn, dogs and cats, for example, when educated from a young age, tend to follow the guidelines consistently and respect the rules of the house.

In addition, they are recognized for the emotional relationship they develop with their owners. They are affectionate animals and involved with those with whom they interact. Usually owners develop an intense feeling of love for their pets and vice versa.

They are able to understand us through small gestures and express their emotions to us through some behaviors. They are loyal and active, leaving the house with energy, movement and life.

when to have them

The desire to have an animal inside the house can be great, however, it is necessary to evaluate if the environment and if you are prepared to receive it yourself. Regardless of age, pets should have certain care, as if they were children. They must have available space, their time and money as well.

Therefore, it is necessary to pay attention to all the circumstances that involve having a pet. Assess your budget, including food, medical care and basic needs. Also note if you will have availability and patience to take them for a walk and play with them, they are animals that need attention and company, just like you.

how do you

To acquire a pet there are some ways. It is possible to buy animals, especially those of a defined breed, that have a pedigree (certified according to the breed standardizing characteristics for a certain domestic animal).

Another option is to adopt the little animals, which has many more advantages to consider.

the adoption

Thousands of animals live in shelters waiting for a family. Several NGOs and institutions collect animals from the streets or receive abused animals so that they can be cared for and prepared for adoption.

The act of adopting a pet has several benefits, including helping an abandoned animal. In addition, adoption saves unnecessary expense.

Another advantage is the fact that many shelters allow prior contact with some animals so that one can understand a little of their history and behavior, in order to provide a coherent adoption for both sides.

Places of Adoption

Below is a list of shelters to adopt a pet:

  • mutts club

A dog-only destination, the shelter curiously divides its dogs by size, from PP to XL. The NGO has collaborators and is open for visitation.

  • UIPA (International Union for the Protection of Animals)

Open from Monday to Saturday, located at Avenida Presidente Castelo Branco, 1200, the place houses dogs and cats for adoption under the daily care of specialized veterinarians.

+11 3228 1462

  • den of the kittens

Fairs are held through the Association specifically for the adoption of cats.

  • Nature In Shape

Natureza em Forma makes both reports of abandoned animals and obtains an adoption center. The institution also has collaborative campaigns.

More information: (11) 3151-2536 

  • Union SRD - No Defined Race

The union does not have a shelter, however it collects and takes care of abandoned or abused animals, sending them to private kennels. Adoption fairs are held on Saturdays.

  • Written by Julia Zayas of Team Me Without Borders.
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