Connect with love

I'm not sure what's going on, if it's the Saturn guy (laughs), if it's a wave that passed and shook the relationships that were on a tightrope, but I've been receiving many people, both in the office and by messages, confused, in troubled relationships, some leaving, others starting a commitment to someone.
The orientation was simple and direct: trust in Love and not exclusively in the loved one.

Obviously they are getting surprised when I say this, as I myself often say that the pillars of the relationship are trust, respect and dialogue.

Of course, it is very important that we trust the person next to us, the person we choose to walk with us, but first of all, we need to trust the feeling, what unites us, in love.

This feeling can only be cultivated within us, we need to feed it, take care of it, strengthen it so that nothing that comes from outside can shake its structure.

Filled with love, we attract into our life everything that vibrates at the same frequency and, then, we find the loved one who is also filled with the same feeling.

Connect with love

Lovers are messengers of love, a portal, a form and a means that feeling finds to manifest itself.

If we compared love to a liquid, lovers would be the jug. What is an empty jug for? Where is your delight? What will you drink there? If the jug is gone, or if the image you had of it is broken, keep the liquid inside you and the universe will bring you the proper jug.

We are instruments of love in this existence, if we don't feel it, it is because, as in the example above, we are connected with the jug and not with the liquid. And the search, even if unconscious of every human being, is to get drunk on the delights of this feeling.

The finest and tastiest liquids are found in the finest quality jugs. Often the liquid is waiting for the jug to be ready.

Sometimes love is just molding the beloved, but this cannot shake us. If it shakes us, it's because we don't trust.

So, whatever happens, direct your trust first to love, much more than for the beloved.

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