Concept of beauty is relative

Is being thin synonymous with beauty? Does being outside this “rule” then suggest that the person is not beautiful? Or, then, does a certain style make one person more beautiful than another?

Time to review that concept…

Concept of beauty is relative

Symmetrical faces tend to be classified as beautiful by everyone. But, within your personal taste, this opinion occupies only half of the whole. The rest of your notion of beauty is something completely unique. This explains why you sometimes think a person is beautiful and all your friends disagree. Or when the opposite happens: one person finds another beautiful and you don't.

Some scientists collected the results of 35 people who took an online test in which they had to answer who of the photos presented was beautiful and who was considered ugly. Then the researchers asked 761 pairs of twins (identical and non-identical) to answer which faces they thought were beautiful. The answers varied greatly from one twin to the next — only in 50% of the cases the twins agreed.

The conclusion of this research, which was a partnership between experts from Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard University, and Wellesley College, is that the notion of beauty may have genetic origins. In other words, you are born finding certain people beautiful and others not. But even so, there will only be unanimity in half of the cases. In the other half, it is worth your experience with people, experiences and moods. And it's not just family upbringing that counts. They are the faces we see in the media and the ones that have marked our lives from the beginning: friends, family and loves. This is something that is not equal between two people, even if they are twins.

  • Text written by Bruno da Silva Melo from the Eu Sem Fronteiras Team.
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