Colors meaning

Each person sees colors differently. In this way, there are many possible shades for blue, for red, for yellow and for all the other colors that are in our daily lives. However, there is something in common between them: they all convey different emotions and sensations, which can be understood by the meaning of the colors.

In cinema, clothes, the environment and in healing processes, colors are fundamental to create certain atmospheres, translate feelings and stimulate energies and virtues. Have you ever felt discomfort in a monochromatic environment or one that was too red or too blue, for example? Have you ever worn a color that made you feel bad?

The colors we know emit distinct vibrations in the environment where they are inserted and in the bodies that wear them. It is through knowing the meaning of colors that we are able to use them correctly.

Next, you will know what the colors mean in each of the aforementioned aspects. Explore this colorful world and understand the quirks that make each shade unique and special.

Meaning of colors in cinema and the environment

Colors meaning

There are many ways to create different atmospheres in a movie. Sad or happy songs, scenes of rain or sunny days, long and reflective dialogues or smiles and looks. In all of these cases, there is a backdrop on the screen that assists in the process of translating emotions and feelings from a scene.

The colors are responsible for causing in the audience the sensations that the scene seeks to convey. To create the ideal atmosphere, you need to know the meaning of colors. While there are some sensations that are directly associated with cool or warm tones, this can vary from one film to the next. Understand!

Cool colors (blue, purple, green and turquoise) generally convey sadness, loneliness, introspection or cold. On the other hand, they can also mean tranquility, peace, calm and mysticism, especially when they represent deep waters or mythological beings.

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Warm colors (red, yellow, orange and pink) evoke sensations that make the heart race. While these tones can represent love, passion, romance and joy, they can also signify violence, revenge, fear or madness.

The tones that do not belong to these two spectrums are neutral and fulfill the function of emphasizing cold or warm colors. The meaning of colors, therefore, can convey ambiguous images, which need to be clarified by other elements of the scene, such as dialogues and music.

When assigning color meanings to an environment, for example, it's important to keep in mind that cool tones can be more easily associated with tranquility, while warm tones can bring more energy.

Meaning of colors in clothes

Colors meaning

Especially at New Year's parties, people look for the meaning of the colors they use in their clothes. It's not just at the turn of the year that your clothes can convey desires and impressions. Understand what each color conveys and find out which one suits you best!

1) White: simplicity, purity, perfectionism, tranquility and peace;

2) Gray: sadness, depression or oppression, unless it is being complemented by other colors;

3) Brown: responsibility, dedication, security, trust and seriousness;

4) Blue: cleanliness, harmony, technology, serenity and intellectuality;

5) Green: hope, good luck and growth;

6) Yellow: creativity, energy, enthusiasm and joy;

7) Orange: strength, good mood and stress relief;

8) Red: seduction, love, passion, dominance and leadership;

9) Rosa: affection, affection, romance and kindness.

Meaning of colors for healing

Colors meaning

The meaning of colors can be applied to film and clothing, but there is an even more special function for people engaged in healing processes. Chromotherapy is a technique that promotes balance and harmony between body and mind through colors.

In this way, according to chromotherapy, each color emits a distinct energy, which can be properly used to achieve a beneficial result for a person seeking some type of treatment. See the meaning of colors for this healing process:

1) Yellow: stimulates attention, digestion and heart function;

2) Anil: favors the energetic cleansing of an environment and a body, promoting the balance of body and mind energies;

3) Blue: it allows a person to feel more peaceful and relaxed, so it is ideal for stressful situations;

4) Orange: stimulates optimism, mental and physical recovery and favors body reconstruction;

5) Green: balances the energies of the body and mind, in addition to providing tranquility;

6) Red: repels sadness and negativity, awakening inner energy;

7) Violet: insulates the body, mind and environment from negative vibrations, strengthening the connection with spirituality.

To apply the meaning of colors in the healing process, you can use some resources. Lights that emit the mentioned colors, windows that present colored stained glass, bottles of different colors filled with water or meditation and visualization of the color that will benefit you the most.

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