Clear memory. Step by step to get rid of weights and memories of the past

Wiping the memory is what made Clementine, played by Kate Winslet, to forget the man she loved so much, Joel, played by Jim Carrey. In “Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind”, a 2004 film, there is a medical service that aims to erase the memories that a person wants to forget.

Although the possibility of forgetting everything that hurt you seems tempting, Jim Carrey's character shows deep regret when he decides to go through this procedure. Is clearing memory always the best solution? If so, how should memory cleanup be done?

In general, the memories that a person might want to forget are those that arouse bad feelings. In other words, they can be events from the past that are still harmful to the person who lived through them. In this case, it seems that clearing the memory would be the most efficient way to stop feeling bad.

However, this is not what the scientists in an American documentary say. Shown by the PBS channel in 2016, Memory Hackers is a study that aimed to understand how memories are built, if they can be erased and if they can be changed.

According to biology, memories are formed and stored in numerous parts of the brain. For this reason alone, it would be difficult to erase them completely, as it would be difficult to identify where they are, without affecting other parts of the mind.

Clear memory. Step by step to get rid of weights and memories of the past
Image of Michal Jarmoluk by Pixabay

A memory is built with the formation of proteins, which stimulate brain cells to connect. With these connections, memories are stored and can be revisited, presenting a mutable potential. Every time we remember a traumatic situation, for example, memories of the event are reactivated and can be modified.

Traumatic memories, which would be the most sought after when clearing the memory, are associated with hormones (noradrenaline and norepinephrine) that are released in situations of stress and adrenaline. To clean the memory, it would be enough to cancel this association between memory and these hormones, which cause the feeling of sadness when memories are revisited.

To carry out this process in a scientific way, however, it is necessary to have the follow-up of a professional. This person, qualified for the task, will bring up the memory and then give propranolol to the organism that wants to clear the memory. This substance will stop the production of negative hormones when the person remembers the event again.

In this way, the memory of the past would continue to exist. But without the hormones that cause stress, anxiety and sadness, it would be just another memory. According to the study, it is possible to manipulate memory through substances like this and controlled exercises in the laboratory. An uneducated person would not be able to reproduce this process.

Clear memory. Step by step to get rid of weights and memories of the past
Image of Michal Jarmoluk by Pixabay

The medical and scientific method, however, is not the only way to clear the memory. There are meditation and prayer exercises that can bring tranquility and peace over bad memories, and that would not cause problems if they were reproduced at home.

An example of this method is the execution of the Ho'oponopono prayer. Through this Hawaiian technique, it is possible to unlock the fluidity of feelings that are being harmed by the maintenance of negative memories. It's like a healing process.

By repeating the prayer daily, or whenever you are being tormented by bad memories, you will be able to clear your memory. Just say the following words:

“Divine Creator, father, mother, son in one…
If I, my family, my relatives and ancestors have offended you, your family, relatives and ancestors in thoughts, words, deeds and actions from the beginning of our creation to the present, we ask your forgiveness…
Let it cleanse, purify, release, cut through all memories, blocks, negative energies and vibrations and transmute these unwanted energies into pure light…
And so it is done.
I'm sorry. Forgive me. I love you. I'm Grateful.”

Clear memory. Step by step to get rid of weights and memories of the past
Image of klimkin by Pixabay

The idea of ​​unlocking the negative energies that are accumulating because of your negative memories is also present in the EFT technique, Emotional Freedom Techniques. In free translation, the technique of clearing the mind refers to techniques of emotional release. Unlike prayer, it takes the help of a professional to apply this technique.

EFT works like psychological acupuncture, which promotes the release of the body's meridians, according to Chinese medicine. These meridians are the points in the body that accumulate energy, and when released from tapping certain parts of the body, they bring a sense of relief.

It is through this therapy that it would be possible to clear the memory, as it is characterized by the restoration of the balance of energies that are present in the body. Revisiting the past and feeling bad about it is a consequence of the harmful accumulation of negative energies. With EFT, practiced by a professional, you can improve.

If you don't have the opportunity to seek treatment from professionals, or if you don't want to say the prayer, clearing your memory can be a little more difficult task, but it will still have benefits.

Before going to sleep, you can make an effort to think of positive memories about your day or about experiences you've had. A night of tranquility and peace begins like this, as well as allowing positive energies to be released around you.

Clear memory. Step by step to get rid of weights and memories of the past
Image of Th G by Pixabay

Avoiding places where negative memories were built up is also a technique for clearing the memory. Thus, you will not come into contact with elements that cause this memory to be reactivated and brought to your mind.

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Another method of letting go of the past that hurts you is to share your experience with a person you trust. Talking about what happened can help you define a beginning, a middle and an end to that situation. You'll also have someone to talk to if you're feeling bad about it.

Finally, an effective method of releasing the pain that the past can cause and clearing the memory is psychological help. You can even seek this type of care through the Unified Health System, and it will be essential if you want to lead a life of tranquility in relation to who you once were and who you are.

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