Claudia and the Sea

    Look, my friend, my friend… If in one of the last articles I told you that I was “the girl on the train”, let me tell you that I also had my day of “Glorinha e o Mar”…

    Well, if your childhood dates back to the 70's or 80's, you will surely remember the Gloria's Adventures, who, enraptured by the natural and blessed beauties of the coast of SĂŁo Paulo, in the period mentioned above, is surprised by emotions and adventures with her family and new friends, while getting to know places that, for her (and many like me), reveal true passions beyond than you can see, such as the sights of the cities of Santos and SĂŁo Vicente.

    Claudia and the Sea

    So beloveds, I've been to Glorinha many times, I've traveled these cities with such an adventurous hunger, like her, that in my childhood, when visiting the Santos aquarium was much more than seeing the "fish", it was as if I "entered" the sea... Blessed childhood! An ice cream on the street, visiting uncles, friends in the neighborhoods of Gonzaga, which I thought was so chic and imposing, hey, so many things, so many memories... And like Glorinha, Claudinha here also met and ventured into the smallness of her childhood adventures. on Avenida Conselheiro Nébias, which I swore was infinite… On my walks around Ponta da Praia and there in São Vicente, near the Ponte Pênsil, I ended up just like Glorinha, at Casa das Bananadas! Delight!

     Sometimes the ice cream at the ItanhaĂ©m ice cream shop, for example, flakes, my favorite, has more flavor at eight years old, you know… When you're totally focused on that and the after comes down to only after. There are no plans for after the ice cream flakes... Having an ice cream in your thirties, early forties, has another flavor: maybe I don't have the same time to enjoy it anymore, because I have an important meeting later or because my cell phone rang and I I also need to move on with my life... Casa das Bananadas is still there, but I can no longer ask, almost crying and begging my father to stop, because if I don't eat a sweetie I'll feel very sick... the few times I go there, I'm already returning home, tired… Anyway… And look at that in my time that seemed huge! I can't believe it's a normal house… Too normal for today, but with lots of goodies.

    That's why I always look, as difficult as it may seem, to look at things with the same eyes as a child, I try to see the grandeur of things for the simple fact of not truly knowing them in their divine essence, the questions bring us closer not to the answer, but to energy, the desire to be close, creating an unbreakable bond of knowledge and magic, this rescues us sentimentally.

    Claudia and the Sea

    The book “Glorinha e o Mar” is on my desk, next to my computer and my important documents, it is often a refuge for me, because there is a healthy childhood very close to the childhood I had… And today I feel more tempted to be the sea, not Glorinha. I think a lot about how the sea must be, what it receives every day... People walking, happy, others with problems, others holding hands... And he there, witnessing loves, sometimes lasting, others not so much, but perhaps only he knows the truth of each one, what we tell him while we observe him. There are still those who dream of getting to know the sea and just the fact that they want to get to know it should already be a reason to tell you things that have been kept for a long time… I would like to be the sea for a day and hug people, their causes, their feelings, resentments and fears… Like the girl who exercises, like the middle-aged man who looks at the horizon when he has lost his own, the woman who takes her children to play, the gentleman who sells popsicles and cookies, and in its waters recovers from the heat exaggerated, the baby who claps his hands in the water, happy with the reactionary effect, the sun that greets him in the morning and the moon that keeps him company through the night... too much… All that energy deposited in it… How great is the sea, huh!?

    Friends, blessed week!

    Forward, always!

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