Christmas hangover

Christmas hangover
This holiday season, mixing roles can also give you a hangover…

In my last text, “Who are you”, I talked a little about self-knowledge and the roles that life puts on us. With Christmas just around the corner, I'd like to talk a little bit about family and spirituality here.

When I started my yoga journey, I heard a few times that I was becoming selfish.

Yoga has given me freedom in my decisions.

Before, I was always wanting to please, wanting others to like me, the choices I made in life were according to what others suggested to me.

So, I learned that if someone loves me, they would have to accept that they wouldn't always be available or act as expected. At first, people were scared and upset. Sometimes I felt blackmailed… So I was excluding myself, going back inside.

Personally, this first process was very good, I needed to get to know myself and establish my ideals. Only in this way could I expose myself to the outside and live with others in harmony.

It was then that, in my study process, I heard a teacher say: “If you want to know how your spirituality is going, see how your relationship with your family is”, Jonas Masetti.

Got it, I was using yoga as an escape.

If we stop to observe, it is even interesting, family is that mixture of people who came from the same place, with totally different people, but who are basically the same.

Now I'm here, it's Christmas and I'm learning to readjust to my family.

From that same teacher, I learned that we all want happiness, and that if someone hurts you, it's because they're hurt or because they think they're helping.

If your family has broken down at some point because of money, inheritance, separation, illness or whatever, do what I'm going to do...

Resume your role, and only it!

There you are not a psychologist or a lawyer or any other projected role that does not fit at the moment.

Position yourself as a daughter and love your parents...

Position yourself as a sister and hug your brothers...

Position yourself as a wife and kiss your loved one…

Position yourself as a mother (father) and enjoy your children!

Simplify and be Happy!

Merry Christmas!

Om's Day.

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