Christmas and New Year are not synonymous with happiness.

    Christmas and New Year are not synonymous with joy, well-being and happiness, as is often shown in advertisements. For some people, this time of year causes sadness, anguish and anxiety. And, unfortunately, there are people who do not understand the pain of the other at this moment and reduce it, saying: “It will pass!”, “But it's Christmas, it's time for joy!”. And maybe what the other needs is just a welcome. Feelings, suffering cannot be disregarded, as all this sadness, anguish and anxiety can be depression.  

    This can be caused by several factors, such as: fear of the future (“What will happen next year? Will I achieve what I want?”); remembering people who were close and are no longer present (due to death, moving or ending a relationship); between others.

    Christmas and New Year are not synonymous with happiness.All this negative feeling - which is considered by society - can turn into something positive, if the person can review what they are doing in their life and what they can do to change. She may think, “I'm acting this way, I'm not getting the success I'd like. I am very sad and dissatisfied. What can I do differently to improve? If she can have that kind of thinking, great! She is changing her feeling and this has only been accomplished by the fact that she has come into contact with her feeling of sadness. Therefore, we cannot ignore “negative feelings”.

    But if the individual cannot have this attitude, cannot make decisions, has some of the symptoms below for a certain time, such as: a pessimistic look, difficulty in performing daily activities; irritability; difficulty finishing what you started; persistence of negative thinking; insomnia; loss of appetite; loss or decrease in sexual desire, among others. It is recommended that the person look for a health professional, as the condition can be diagnosed as depression, but the doctor will do the evaluation. Psychotherapy will work alongside medicine to treat depression.

    So let's be careful not to generalize feelings. Each has a look.

    The text is informative and does not replace the psychotherapy offered by the psychologist.  

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