Christianity and life

    “The thief comes only to steal, kill and destroy; I came that they might have life, and have it more abundantly” (John 10:10). Since life is a gift from God, it expresses itself naturally as something of the greatest importance and which still leaves many unknowns. The Doctrine of Spirits leads us to deep reflections on the reason we exist and the purpose of life.

    Since He is the Lord of all things, He holds the right over everything that exists, including our lives. Let's look at what is stated in 1 Samuel 2:6: “The Lord God is the one who takes life and the one who gives it. It is he who sends a person to the world of the dead and brings him back from there.” It appears that we are eternally linked to Him and also governed by His Sovereign Laws. Thus, it is incumbent upon us to fulfill them so that we do not depart from Him so as not to incur debts that will be burdens in the future.

    For His Mercy, He sent Jesus to us as a model and guide in our cumulative and ascension paths towards the Celestial world. In the commandments we find the way to conduct ourselves, and in Jesus the example and the sacrifice he exercised to mirror the love and charity that should always be in our practices.

    Christianity and life
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    Our responsibility for life requires that we do everything to take care of the physical body, which is the temple of the Spirit, providing conditions for us to go through the experiences and learning that will lead us to Spiritual fullness. Hence the importance of the physical body for this essential performance for our evolution. Medicine climbs large steps in the technological field to relieve pain and prolong life.

    In the opposite and illogical way, we have the apology of the practice of abortion, which interrupts a reincarnation program with its tests and atonements, harming the ascension of the immortal Spirit. It is worth mentioning question 880 of the Spirits' Book: “What is the first of all the natural rights of man? The one to live. That is why no one has the right to attempt against the life of his fellow man, or to do anything that could compromise his bodily existence.”

    As Christians, we can never shy away from the zeal for life, from its conception to its final breath. It is our duty to preserve it in all its needs and never destroy it.

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    No Christian should agree with abortion, a criminal practice that directly collides with the precepts of love and charity bequeathed by Jesus. We spiritists know the serious consequences for those who practice it. Our interference in warning of all this keeps us from conniving by omission (preserving life is recognizing its value before God).

    Luiz Guimaraes Gomes de Sa
    Works at the Spiritist Center Caminhando para Jesus

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