Chance does not exist, synchronicity does

It's happened to everyone! You know when you're thinking about a person, because you need to ask them a question or just talk about a certain subject, and then that person calls you or sends you a message?

And when you are reading a book or even watching the news and you think when you come across that sentence or that news: “It seems those words were meant for me. I needed to read this”. Funny, isn't it? At the time, we thought it was something of fate or simply a mere chance, a mere coincidence. In fact, what happened was that synchronicity was activated at that moment in your life.

What is synchronicity?

The term synchronicity was named by the psychologist Carl C. Jung and means a “simultaneity of two interior and exterior events, in a way that is not possible to explain, but that has a certain meaning for the person observing”.

This idea was developed through conversations with Albert Einstein when he was developing the Theory of Relativity, still in its infancy. Einstein took this idea further, but into the realm of physical language. Jung, on the other hand, worked on psychic language.

Chance does not exist, synchronicity doesHe came to the conclusion that there is a connection between the individual and the environment around him at an intimate and unique level, which, at certain times, exerts an attraction that ends up creating coincidental circumstances. This adds a specific value to the people who live them, with symbolic meaning even. These are the types of events that we tend to call chance, luck, or even fate, depending on our beliefs and perspectives.

This experience that we live based on synchronicity usually happens when we least expect it, at a time when we never imagined that such an event would happen. It's a real pleasant surprise. Such an event generates effects in our life and can even change our destiny.

How to activate synchronicity in my life?

Jung argues that synchronicity can happen at any time in our life and even in greater amounts. It is intrinsic in music, in unusual encounters with people and even in advertisements. To understand it, one must always be attentive. However, it is important to emphasize that, even in this state of "alert", we should not force anything, but let circumstances flow naturally. In this way, synchronicity also happens naturally.

Have you ever stopped to think that this text is the result of synchronicity? In other words, it's always interesting to know that we're all connected.

Text written by Bruno da Silva Melo from the Eu Sem Fronteiras Team.

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