Causes of human need and how to live more fully

Although humanity has advanced in technological terms, it is visible that human beings are psychologically lacking. A paradox, isn't it?

On the one hand, the facilities and comforts of technology, on the other, the human being feeling increasingly confused, lost and distant from himself, from others and from Nature. Ever wondered why this is happening?

This content brings a reflection on this contradiction of the contemporary world and how to balance ourselves in the face of this paradoxical situation.

Causes of lack of self

Every human has a Divine Spark (Soul) that is expressed through the body, sometimes the person is not aware of it and ends up ignoring it, for being identified with matter and with the problems of the world.

This forgetting and this identification generate a division between the spiritual and material world and consequently the human being fragments, polarizes, weakens and feels an existential emptiness.

From this state comes the lack and scarcity of oneself and consequently depression, stress, insecurity, anxiety and other psychic imbalances that afflict humanity in the current world arise.

Causes of human need and how to live more fully
PRImageFactory / Getty Images Pro / Canva

In addition to this issue, other factors contribute to this state of internal need, such as:

  • self-abandonment and self-annulment, to live in order to please others
  • let yourself be influenced by others to the detriment of your Soul
  • fear of rejection and what they think of you
  • follow the patterns and conditionings of society that go against your nature and your Soul
  • wanting to live up to people's expectations, ceasing to be yourself
  • live excessively on material and appearance, to fill the existential void
  • forget your true reality and thus distance yourself from your Spirit
  • neglect your truth, out of shame to assume who you really are
  • be nice, to have the approval and recognition of others
  • trust others more than yourself
  • living for the sake of others and not feeling good about their own company
  • to be badly related to
  • not accept and not love
  • lack of self-knowledge

Harms of lack of self

The lack of self generates damages of all kinds and in several areas of life, such as:

  • lack of prosperity
  • discouragement
  • sadness
  • diseases
  • demotivation
  • lack of purpose
  • feeling of being a victim of circumstances
  • a series of negativities, such as: hatred, revolt, dissatisfaction, envy, jealousy, anger, rancor, guilt, excessive complaining about life and criticism
  • tendency to lie to oneself and to delude oneself
  • toxic relationships
  • confused mind and inner conflict
  • emotional fragility
  • lack of affection
  • material and financial problems

How to fill yourself

To feel filled with our BEING, which is what is real and permanent in us, it is necessary to perceive and feel its expression and strength.

Causes of human need and how to live more fully
AaronAmat / Getty Images / Canva

The practice of meditation, moment-to-moment observation, concentration on each moment, attention to the now and living fully in the present bind us and anchor us in our Real Being.

In this state come strength, lucidity, balance, self-knowledge and understanding of reality.

The benefits of the inner-fill state

When we realize our Real Nature and give it due attention, there are several benefits that contribute to our improvement and advancement, such as:

  • inner peace and stillness
  • higher feelings and emotions
  • balance between material and spiritual
  • lucidity
  • heightened awareness
  • understanding of what it means to be ONE with the ALL
  • internal development
  • state of prosperity, trust and faith
  • Compassion for yourself and for other beings
  • internal freedom
  • development of an inner sense, free from the influence of concepts and conditionings that are NOT aligned with your Real Nature
  • wisdom
  • respect to all life
  • strength, vitality and energy
  • coherence, vision and clarity in the face of reality
  • alignment with your real purpose
  • a harmonious life
  • state of gratitude

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live more fully

In order to live filled with oneself and in a state of plenitude, it is important to perceive and understand oneself, accepting one's reality, but without ceasing to develop and manifest one's full potential.

In this true relationship with yourself, the recognition of the Life that you are will be established. In this way, becoming more whole, expanding your BEING, assuming your power and thus radiating your LIGHT.

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