Christmas Wreath β€” How to make it and what is its symbolism

Among the adornments that allow a beautiful decoration of the house for the celebration of Christmas is the wreath, traditionally made with branches and leaves intertwined, in a circular shape.

Learn more about this symbol of ancient history and take advantage of our suggestion to make your own Christmas wreath and delight everyone.

Origin of the Christmas Wreath

In ancient Rome, during the Northern Hemisphere winter, there was a festival to celebrate the solstice of the season called Saturnalia. In it, families were presented with intertwined branches of foliage in a circular shape, which were placed on the doors and windows of the houses.

The Celts also celebrated the winter solstice and placed on doors and windows the wreath made in a circular shape like the Sun, with intertwined branches and leaves kept from autumn. In the making, pine branches, ivy, holly and other plants considered powerful were used to welcome the gods.

During the Middle Ages, the Christmas wreath was used throughout the year on the doors of houses and the festivities of the date did not have a family character and did not even refer to the Christmas party as we know it.

The Christmas wreath became part of Christian traditions around the XNUMXth century, initially as the Advent Wreath, the name given to a period of four weeks before Christmas Eve. Placed on a table, there are four colored candles, in addition to the branches, leaves and flowers. Every Sunday a candle is lit. On the first two Sundays, two purple candles are lit, symbols of the Vigil and Preparation. On the third Sunday, the pink candle is lit, as a sign of hope and joy for the arrival of the Messiah, and on the last Sunday, it is the turn of the white candle, symbol of the birth of Jesus Christ. It is popular in churches in Europe and the United States, mainly made from pine branches.

Christmas Wreath β€” How to make it and what is its symbolism
Skyler H. / Pixabay

Meaning of Christmas Wreath

Among the Romans, the Christmas wreath was used to wish and attract health to families.

Among the Celts, it was a symbol of hope, for the renewal of life after the winter solstice, and of luck.

In the Middle Ages, the Christmas wreath was used on doors to ward off evil spirits and bad luck.

With Christianity, as the Advent Wreath, it represents the understanding of the arrival of Jesus Christ. As a Christmas wreath, placed on the doors of houses for adornment, mainly made with holly branches and fruits, it represents the crown of thorns and the drops of the blood of Jesus Christ at the crucifixion, and has the meaning of immortality, eternal love. of Jesus Christ and rebirth.

Currently, the Christmas wreath is made in different materials, with balls, bows, animals, angels, and others, with brightness, color and unusual ideas (candies and candies) to attract good energy, physical and mental health, peace, prosperity and welcome visitors.

The best place to put the Christmas wreath

The Christmas wreath can be placed anywhere in the house or commercial establishment. However, the tradition for the entrance doors and windows is very strong, having been maintained for several centuries. One option is through the doors and windows of balconies.

Christmas Wreath β€” How to make it and what is its symbolism
Lumpy / Pixabay

Make your own Christmas wreath

What do you think of the idea of ​​making your own Christmas wreath, full of symbolism and in a simple way? See the tips:

Material: rigid cardboard, compass, ruler, scissors, gun and hot glue stick, rosemary twigs, golden wheat twigs, bay leaf twigs, girl's finger peppers (can be in natura if they are firm) and branches artificial holly with flowers, string or Indian thread to attach the branches to the circular base of the cardboard. Golden wheat and holly twigs are found at party supply stores.

How to do it: with the help of a compass or two plates (one larger and one smaller), draw a circle inside the other on the cardboard. Consider that the difference between the size of the plates will form the rim of the Christmas wreath, so it can't be too small a difference. Ideally, it should be between seven and ten centimeters. If you are using a compass, use the ruler to position the opening of the compass at ten centimeters when drawing the smaller line inside the circle you have made.

Cut out all the surroundings and the center of the circle, in order to obtain a hoop.

Distribute the rosemary, wheat and bay branches, modeling the Christmas wreath out of this base, to get an idea of ​​how the result will look, making a sketch or model of your Christmas wreath.

Decide whether you prefer to leave the branches of the same plant grouped together or interspersed with each other. Distribute the branches.

Include the holly sprigs along the length of the circle, distributing the red color throughout the Christmas wreath. Do the same with the peppers.

Put some hot glue on one point of the cardboard rim. Take a branch, according to the sketch made and affix it, holding it for a few minutes. Be careful to avoid burns! Proceed in the same way with all materials. To secure the branches, pass the string or nylon thread inside/outside the rim, securing everything, but don't make it visible, covering it with the leaves.

Christmas Wreath β€” How to make it and what is its symbolism
AN-AndreadiNikoLetta / Pixabay

There you have a simple Christmas wreath, which refers to nature, fragrant and full of symbolism because rosemary brings joy and purification, wheat abundance, laurel prosperity and pepper wards off bad energies. Everything is completed with the holly that symbolizes rebirth and hope.

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Decorate and energize your home. Keep in mind that in this period we begin to say goodbye to the current year. Celebrate life with the people you love or the way you feel best, because the important thing is to have the Christmas spirit in you. Good job! Good celebration!

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