Butterfly Effect

There is a theory called the “butterfly effect”, which says that at a critical moment in the formation of Earth's climate, even the flapping of a butterfly's wings sends waves that can alter the balance of forces and cause a strong storm.

This theory states that any act, no matter how insignificant, has a repercussion and its consequences are limitless and infinite.

This year I had an experience that completely proves this theory. An experience I won't dwell on because it involves people who are no longer with us.

But realizing that, in fact, a choice can reverberate in the choice of the other, makes me reflect on the responsibility we have for our actions.

Sometimes we don't even know it, but we can be the support of someone who admires us and is mirrored in our attitudes, and make some decisions that can influence who we least imagine.

Butterfly Effect

I'm not talking about being examples to be followed, but having a more respectful and committed look at how we treat each other, how we place ourselves in life, and how we express ourselves socially.

Every small gesture can literally transform someone's day, if not their life.

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If I was not kind to someone in my day who needed affection, I may have started that person's day in a negative way, because from this situation he will leave for another in which he will not have a dose of kindness to pass on, and so the day goes on, with this unresolved emotion.

I mentioned kindness, but I can mention other things... If I have information that can help someone, but I omit it, that someone will need to go after it to solve it and so I can create an unnecessary difficulty for that person who may give up on their intention.

Butterfly Effect

Here we can exemplify with a thousand, and maybe a thousand more, possibilities and at all times we can perceive that someone besides ourselves has benefited or been harmed, by any attitude initiated by us.

It is good to think that each gesture generates a vibration that is acting on each being around us, because if we use our actions in a beneficial and positive way, we will be influencing something or someone, and as everything that is good is contagious, that something or someone will continue. with this stream of good stuff, so why not plant good seeds?

What starts with one of us can result in something very special, so it's up to us to reflect on what result we really want.

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