Breast cancer, self-care and emotional health

Breast cancer is considered a public health problem. It is estimated that, in 2018, 2,1 million new cases and 627 thousand deaths were diagnosed worldwide. In Spain, it is estimated that the incidence of breast cancer in 2019 was 59.700 new cases, 99% of which occurred in women, mainly after menopause. About 4 out of 5 cases occur in women over 50 years old (INCA β€” Instituto Nacional de CΓ’ncer). In the midst of all this, we need to find ways to prevent the imbalance from happening, as the focus of integrative therapies is prevention.

Breasts are sources of nutrition and care, it is there that we nourish our children, that we cherish our loves, we donate the best we have (and sometimes we donate too much, which can also generate future imbalances).

In the same place we find the heart chakra, or anahata in Sanskrit, which corresponds to a gland called the thymus, responsible for strengthening our immune system. This chakra is the point of balance between the 3 upper and 3 lower chakras, it brings balance between Heaven and Earth, and is called the abode of the soul.

This energy center is closely related to our emotions and our relationships, including the relationship you have with yourself. The imbalance of this energy center can result in pathologies involving the heart, circulation, lungs and emotional health.

Breast cancer, self-care and emotional health
Daria Obymaha / Pexels

Under an energetic gaze, we need to assess the quality of our relationships. What value do you give yourself? How are you allowing people to treat you? How are you dealing with grief? Do you allow love to flow freely? Do you know how to give and receive love? We need to let the river of emotions flow freely, after all, standing water rots. We found in the literature studies that point to the relationship between breast cancer and trauma.

Toxic relationship has become something so normal that it is very difficult to find a woman who has not gone through this experience, with her father, brothers, children or partners. Abuse, violence, control, domination and even death, regardless of culture, race, beliefs, women have learned to live with emotional pain as if it were inevitable. But is! Believe it.

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In addition to emotional health, we need to pay attention to the quality of our food, regular physical activity, body weight control and avoid the use of synthetic hormones, excess alcoholic beverages, toxic and polluting substances. Genetic breast cancer occurs in only 5% to 10% of cases, 30% of cases can be avoided only with healthy lifestyle habits. Be careful what you put inside your body, whether through your mouth, skin and heart.

The key to an early diagnosis is related to self-care, which is so difficult for women, either due to lack of time or lack of habit. Get to know yourself, touch yourself, not to look for diseases, but as an act of self-love, care and respect.

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