Boost your immunity naturally with Monstera Deliciosa

    In the face of naturalism, one of the most effective practices is to save seeds from your meals, germinate and, finally, plant, aiming for a beneficial collective impact, an organic way to guarantee our future.

    When walking, spreading, cultivating and occupying squares and parks, these activities begin to be as natural as breathing and life begins to make more sense when we observe the development of nature from seeds, children that come from the earth, just like us!

    In the midst of a daily practice like this, I came across, on a summer morning in 2021, a green corn, a kind of giant seed or flower that would probably generate other plant beings.

    Looking up, I saw that there were more of the same species in an adam's rib bush, so I already had a research object to delve into.

    Boost your immunity naturally with Monstera Deliciosa
    Personal archive of columnist Bruna Machado de Oliveira

    As I anxiously walked from the square to the plantation, I started to feel a strong smell, something that was seducing me to a possible boat, so I decided to research to see if that being was edible.

    Wachacha! Google, thanks! Delicious Monstera, the fruit of Adam's rib! It's edible! It's delicious! Boosts immunity! It's a boom of natural hormones, vitamin C, rejuvenation, antioxidant, a big up for you and your health!

    In a natural survival instinct, life brings us alternatives that fit what we believe. We are very privileged, because nature constantly brings us healing and there is no other way out than through it.

    This fruit on my path was a divine inspiration that everything we need comes to us! When eating this fruit, I felt my skin revitalize instantly, I felt all the vitamin enter my bowels and fill me, in addition to the wonderful taste, a mixture of soursop, pineapple and banana, a supreme source for boosting immunity.

    Boost your immunity naturally with Monstera Deliciosa
    Amanda Comarim / Getty Images / Canva

    Adam's rib needs to be in the ground to bear fruit and Monstera Deliciosa needs to be ripe and ready for consumption, otherwise it is toxic and poisonous, so be very careful.

    It's the kind of product you don't find in the supermarket, it's the kind of habit you don't see on TV, but it's all you need to have.

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    Healing comes from the earth, healing comes from the water. Let's look to the present, to sow a prosperous and green, clean and clear future, as well as our minds.

    Strength comes from this union that comes from below, from land and water, a partnership that will grant us a few more centuries or millennia. In case of ingratitude, a few days, perhaps. Do not underestimate nature and do not live in vain.

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