Books that talk about the Sacred Feminine

Increasingly, human beings have become intrinsic, living more for themselves and, above all, strengthening their relationship with nature and with the whole.
It is in this line that the Sacred Feminine follows, a philosophy that offers teachings about the woman's body, emotional life and the cycles that every woman goes through, leaving them in harmony with nature.

In practice, it is to disconnect from the technological world, from routine and discover more about your own interior, realizing how your instincts and cycles work, such as menstruation and pregnancy. Those who embark on this intense journey of self-knowledge begin to perceive changes in their relationship with the world around them, with a new awareness awakening.

Books that talk about the Sacred Feminine
Pexels / Ekaterina Bolovtsova

Another effect of the Sacred Feminine is if breaking free from the patriarchal supremacy in which many women are trapped, that is, it is necessary to leave behind oppressive situations that dictate different rules about the woman's body, in order to finally enter a more affective and sensitive world.

Within every woman there is this sacredness and the will to return to her own essence. In other words, this philosophy is nothing more than the return to the most primordial origin.

One of the ways to learn more about this philosophy is to read books on the subject and participate in study groups only among women, the “women's circles”. To help you, we have selected 4 books for you to start your path in the Sacred Feminine.

– The Goddesses and the Woman (Jean Shinoda Bolen)

Books that talk about the Sacred Feminine
Canva / Me Without Borders / Reproduction / Amazon

In this book, which mixes mythology with psychology, a woman can understand more about her intimate life, her behavior and her action in the world. Jean Shinoda Bolen compares the ancient goddesses to the patterns of the woman's psyche, based on Jung's precepts. These patterns determine the differences between women and help to understand their action and interrelationship. The Goddesses and the Woman is not an exclusive read for women, men can also learn more about who the woman next to them is.

The goddesses compared to female psychology are: Hera, Demeter, Persephone, Athena, Artemis, Hestia and Aphrodite. The book is part of a dive into the theme and was a great success when it was released. In España, it was published in the early 1990s.

“(…) There are many goddesses in a given woman, and the more complicated she is, the more likely it is that many goddesses are acting on her. What is fulfillment for one part of her may be meaningless for another part. Knowing the goddesses provides women with a way to know themselves, to know their relationships with men and women, with their parents, boyfriends and children. These goddess patterns also offer insight into what is motivating and even compulsive, frustrating or satisfying for some women and not for others.” – Jean Shinoda Bolen

– Women who run with wolves (Clarissa Pinkola Estés)

Books that talk about the Sacred Feminine
Canva / Me Without Borders / Reproduction / Amazon

This is perhaps one of the best-known books on the Sacred Feminine theme. Many of the women who gather in circles today have been touched by the legends and stories of Clarissa Pinkola Estés.

“Women who run with the wolves” is not just a set of articles, but an interpretation of the archetypes based on Jungian theory.

But, above all, it's a book that talks about belonging, the need for women to support each other, have their clan and seek a sisterhood.

“No matter what culture a woman is influenced by, she understands the words woman and wild intuitively. When women hear these words, a very old memory is triggered, coming back to life. It is about the memory of our absolute, undeniable and irrevocable kinship with the wild feminine, a relationship that may have become spectral through neglect, that may have been buried by the excess of domestication, outlawed by the culture that surrounds us or simply not being anymore. understood. We may have forgotten her name, we may not answer when she calls ours; but in our marrow we know it and we miss it. We know it belongs to us; as well as we to her.” – Clarissa Pinkola Estés

– The ciranda of wise women (Clarissa Pinkola Estés)

Books that talk about the Sacred Feminine
Canva / Me Without Borders / Reproduction / Amazon

In this book, also by Clarissa Pinkola Estés, it is possible to reflect on the wisdom of more mature, wiser women, with more experience. It is a story full of riddles.

“Never underestimate the strength of the wise old woman. Despite being crushed or treated unfairly, she has another self, a primal self, radiant and incorruptible, beneath the under-attack self – an enlightened self that remains unharmed forever. The wise old woman is proven to have a wingspan of twenty feet, hidden under her coat, and a whole forest tucked into her deep pocket. Of course, under his bed seven-league slippers of golden lamé can be found. And through her glasses, almost everything that can be seen must be seen. Her rug in front of her fireplace can really be a magic carpet. When opened, her shawl is likely to have the ability to trigger the hounds of hell or else summon the stariest of nights.” – Clarissa Pinkola Estés

– Sacred Circles for Contemporary Women (Mirella Faur)

Books that talk about the Sacred Feminine
Canva / Me Without Borders / Reproduction / Amazon

This book grew out of the experiences of its author, Mirella Faur, in the group Teia de Thea, and talks about how women's circles don't talk about beliefs or dogmas, only about the union of women to study about their own femininity, to contemplate their Goddess. interior, being able to listen to each other, perform rituals, prayers, etc.

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“The Goddess is the Great Mother, cosmic, celestial, telluric, and chthonic, who gives and takes life, eternal Creator, but also Reaper and Regenerator, the Divine Weaver, who intertwines and guides all the forces of Earth and Cosmos. ” – Mirella Faur

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