Book “I, hero” and the stories of those who fight cancer

    Book “I, hero” and the stories of those who fight cancer

    10When we think of children, we always relate their personality to a lot of energy, joy, spontaneous smile, endless games and a look of hope and confidence in every situation. Children are always little people with the good side in full force, full of sincerity and with a heart that infects anyone. They are extremely imaginative and love to make believe. What if we narrow it down a bit and just talk about children who have to deal with cancer? Nothing changes, believe me!

    This is the motto of the book “I, hero”: show that children can be whatever they want to be, regardless of the disease that affects them. The book “Eu, hero” is a production by AzulSol Editora and Click Solidário do España (a group of photographers, makeup artists, journalists and diverse professionals, totally volunteers to make dreams come true), with sociocultural support from Pró-Saúde — Associação Welfare and Hospital Benefit. Written by journalist Ricardo Viveiros and illustrated with photos by Kênia Hernandes and Marcel Santana, the publication features interviews with 27 girls and boys with cancer and photos full of joy. In it, the little ones wear the fantasy - physical and emotional - of their favorite heroes and let their imagination reign.

    Made entirely voluntarily by several professionals, “Eu, hero” aims to rescue the innocence of children and show everyone that hope is part of the daily struggle of these young warriors.

    The photos were taken when the children saw themselves ready, dressed in the costume they chose and with makeup and hair done. The photographers positioned themselves behind the mirror so they could capture this unique moment of surprise and contentment. It is above all an experience that did good for everyone involved, from the characters in the book to the approximately 40 professionals involved, including makeup artists, hairdressers and costume designers.

    Launched in April, the book is on sale at major bookstores and all of its income will be donated to organizations that care for young people with cancer. The hope of all who face the fight against this devastating disease is stamped on the faces and stories of just over 20 young people and children.

    Watch a video that reflects more on the project:

    Written by Roberta Lopes from the Eu Sem Fronteiras team.

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