BNCC – Fields of Experience: What will your child learn?

BNCC – Fields of Experience: What will your child learn?

The changes brought by the BNCC (Base Nacional Comum Curricular) need to be known by the whole society, because the organization of school work is going through important transformations, which make the school that you and I, adults today, know very different. the one where we send our children daily.

First, day care can no longer be seen as a place where children are taken care of while mothers need to work. Early Childhood Education has been part of Basic Education for years, contemplating in its activities actions to care, educate and play.

The great novelty of the BNCC for Early Childhood Education is the expansion of “caring, educating and playing” to five fields of experience, which consider that the child learns and develops at all times and not just in traditional pedagogical activities.

In this way, child development and learning goals (in other words, what your child will learn in daycare or school) are defined and organized through these five fields of experiences, which appear in the videos explained in the best way.

It is worth mentioning that one of the videos that accompanies this article explains what the fields of experience are, while the other explains each one of them in a clear, direct, objective and accessible language for everyone who is not part of the teaching profession.

The I, the other and the we – It works directly with the personal and social development of the child, considering that the way I relate to others and they to me is a factor of great influence for the person I will become. In summary, it seeks to develop knowledge about oneself, as well as respect for others.

Body, gestures and movements – Focuses on activities that develop children's motor coordination, so that they get to know their body better, as well as its use and self-care.

races, sounds, colors and shapes – It introduces the child to artistic, cultural and scientific, local and universal productions.

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Orality and writing – Works with speaking and listening as acts of language appropriation. It is worth noting that Early Childhood Education should not prepare for literacy, because it aims at the full development of the child. Thus, in this Field of Experience, verbal communication is worked with a focus on speaking and listening.

So, all of us, parents, teachers, family members and the community in general, must be aware of the changes proposed by the BNCC, because in addition to the education of our children, important changes in the formation of our society are under debate.

CLICK TO WATCH THE VIDEO: BNCC What are Experience Fields???


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