Birthday person. Greatest Friend.

    Another Christmas arrives. For Christians it is the ultimate feast. It is the anniversary of the birth of the most perfect man who passed through the Earth with a physical body. We certainly made many mistakes throughout our current life, but what really matters at this moment is to recognize the mistakes and start over, after all we are still imperfect, that's why we inhabit a planet where evil still predominates. Let us not wait for the last hour to repent. Let's try to fix our mistakes now.

    It is also an opportunity to make it possible for those who have hurt us to apologize, fulfilling one of the Master's teachings when he said: "Therefore, if you are presenting your offering at the altar, and there you remember that your brother has something against you, leave it there your gift from the altar, and go first to be reconciled with your brother, then come and present your gift.”

    The birthday boy is not part of the calendar, as he divided the story into before and after Him. He lived with sinners without becoming a sinner and, knowing our difficulties, taught us, as a teacher he was also, the prayer to get in touch with the Father.

    Birthday person. Greatest Friend.
    Dan Kiefer / Unsplash

    Unfortunately in many homes Christmas is celebrated without remembering that the birthday person is our Big Brother, our Biggest Friend, who is always ready to help us in moments of anxiety.

    β€œLet us celebrate Christmas with Jesus, loving, forgiving those who do not understand us. Being the best mom, best dad, best friend, best brother, and evocative night, let's not forget to tell our kids how much we love them, even if apparently they don't deserve it. Anyone who knows Jesus is never the same again. When He takes possession of our soul, we externalize the star shine that magnetizes other people and who see the clarity of love reflected in us without further preambles, without many questions. Jesus, therefore, is the blessing of heaven that descends to earth on a bridge to take us from earth to heaven in the name of love.”

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    β€œFrom the stable to Calvary, his life was a song of mercy and love, simplicity and understanding. In the manger he was born among peaceful animals and simple shepherds while many men were born in cradles of gold, but they incarnated nullified existences and lived in the world surrounded by honors, displaying pompous titles and awards, disputing laurels and considerations, but their names were forgotten as soon as they descended to the tomb. Jesus was never and will never be forgotten, for he brought us the model of love”.

    May the energy of Christmas envelop us, invigorating us and preparing us for a new year to come.

    Merry Christmas!

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