beyond now

    Days ago walking down the street and going to meet a friend for a coffee, I came across some similar brief dialogues - despite the characters being different in their ages, ethnicities, genders and whatever. For example, there was a group of men who were talking to each other. One of them, who looked to be in his early thirties, short, was unhappy with his marriage; the other was thoughtful and lingering on the subject; the middle one complained about how unfair life seemed to him. Until one of them, apparently the youngest of them all, questioned what they were actually doing in this world. I confess that this question fell on me too! “What are we really here for?” – no one could answer. In the middle of the conversation there, I had some clippings from a recent phase that led me to the conclusion that time is just a metaphor for us to see that everything starts inside and expands to the outside.

     It's funny to talk about it – in the midst of the chaos – I ask: what is time? Anyone who knows me knows that I love playing with the dictionary and of course this time it wouldn't be much different, according to our wise and great friend, the word time means: "measure of duration of beings subject to change in their substance or accidental and successive changes of its nature, appreciable by the organic senses. Epoch, a lapse of future or past time. Human existence considered over the years. A certain time when an event occurred or a character existed (with reference to a certain hour, day, month or any other period). Occasion proper for a given act; opportunity, situation, opportunity. Season, quatrain, period proper to certain acts, certain phenomena, the existence of certain qualities. Season, time of year suited to certain phases of nature and the work that depends on them. Meteorological state of the atmosphere; wind, air, temperature. Leisure time, spare time. Delay, delay, term.” and another infinity of justifications, and yet, I feel that time is indeterminable and the greatest illusion that human beings have.

    beyond nowBased on so many events that have happened in my life in the last few months and those who know me well know what I mean - time has shown me more and more that there is no right and wrong, but the opportunity to see that there is no point in parking on a trail and wanting guarantees about something. Worrying about what has already passed or what is to come is a loss of opportunity. Yesterday, tomorrow, before, after, early, late or whatever – now is portrait. And nothing is more important than measuring the opportunity of now.

    It doesn't matter what context you find yourself in. Go ahead and relax. Be the best you can be and come to fulfill this amazing world, be you! And don't forget that we are all one. Made of the same tiny cosmic particle conspiring in this vast universe of possibilities. Don't be afraid, life goes far beyond that – far beyond the me, the you.

    Gratitude for being who you are, so that I can be who I am and together we can be one.

    With affection, light and conscience,
    A kiss and feel hugged!

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