Betrayal, shall we talk about it?

I believe you have heard at least once in your life the following phrase: “So-and-so betrayed me”; or have you heard that cycrano did something that “is a betrayal”… Well, we've heard. But here we will reflect from another perspective.

I ask you: how many times have you cheated on yourself? It may sound strange at first, but it's much more common than we think. Do a little reflection: how many times have you said “yes”, but deep down wanted to say “no”? How many times have you acted in such a way just to please others? How many times have you ignored your intuition and followed the opinions of others, but you weren't happy with that decision? How many times have you abandoned and annulled yourself? If you answered yes to any of these questions, I need to tell you that you've cheated on yourself.

We betray ourselves when we put aside our will, when we silence the voice of the heart, when we ignore our inner wisdom, when we “follow the dance” like everyone else, when we forget to eat the best we can, when we forget about our dreams, when we stop playing, when we stop smiling, when we stop being happy, when we stopped loving each other.

Betrayal, shall we talk about it?

Maybe that betrayal of the other in your life is just a reflection of how you've betrayed yourself. Maybe so-and-so who did this and that to you is just a mirror of how you already treat yourself. This truth can hurt, but as Master Jesus said: "The truth will set you free".

Mom on duty, we know how much your kids need a special demand, but don't forget about you! After all, we can only give the little ones what we already give to ourselves.

You don't have to blame yourself for having betrayed yourself throughout life and it's not even necessary to enter the trap of victimism. We are all here to learn and grow. But become aware of this attitude in you and begin to observe yourself and act upon your truth.

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In this self-healing process, a great lesson that I bring today is self-care, having zeal, love and compassion for you, your story and your process. Don't ignore your body's signals for the sake of something. Don't let go of your need to rest, eat, and exercise. Don't let yourself go. Organize your day so that you are also their priority. Take time for yourself, just as you spend time with family and friends. Be his/her best friend. Take care of yourself!

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