Betrayal: It's Not (and Never Will Be) Your Fault

“You will be happy, but first I will make you strong… so life told me.”


You believed in your relationship, made plans, daydreamed so happy to imagine possible situations and, suddenly… It all went away. The person to whom you dedicated your time, your feelings, your life, doesn't share the same thought as you and looked for someone else… It's hard to bear it.

And now?

The fault, or responsibility, rather, is not and never will be yours. Cheating has nothing to do with something that was done wrong in the relationship, as if it were a punishment for someone who makes a mistake, no matter how small. Being together, wanting to be with someone and facing the daily routine full of ups and downs elevates the relationship to the maximum level of trust and respect.

Wanting to be with the other, respecting, admiring and blessing the relationship is also an act of surrender and truth, of mutual acceptance and unconditional love, bringing to you the thought that I will not do to my partner what I would not like him to do to me.

Facing is necessary. It is wise, it is divine! Cry and live this moment, which will strengthen you, believe me. You know that "one day after another" thing. So give yourself some time, relax, pamper yourself, yes, seek professional help if you need it. This help is prescribed when you lose your usual interest in everything and start to live too reclusive and sad, brooding over facts.

Betrayal: It's Not (and Never Will Be) Your Fault

Count the error… For what?

You know that thing “when did he even meet her?”, “we were in a worse situation at that time?”, “should I have done something to change the direction of the relationship?”, forget it!

It will cause you unnecessary pain because it is in the past. Also, remember that being together is actually being together, even when you're not? You have no power over the other, much less when you are each living your life, in separate places, friends who are not the same, etc. So change your thinking and try to tell yourself that from now on this is what matters.

The other person's pleasure is not the same as yours.

That. The traitor needs an opportunity to betray, not a victim. He does not victimize himself or brood over the past in search of an excuse for what has been done, in an effort to reverse the situation; you are not to blame.

follow is necessary

If this relationship leaves a negative balance, ok, it's over and you have a long way to go. After feeling the pain, understanding and strengthening yourself, go without fear; life, as Dear Professor CecĂ­lia Meireles would say, can only be reinvented. Forward!

I! I! I! Think so!

That's right! You are your greatest treasure! And sooo worth it!

I wish you all the best and healthy on this new journey!

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