benefits of forgiveness

They say that forgiving is divine, such is the challenge that it is to forgive those who offended us, hurt us or even ask for forgiveness for the mistakes we made. Just as it is difficult to forgive, being forgiven is also just as difficult.

Below, some benefits to demonstrate why this feeling is so noble.

 Good for the heart (literally)

In addition to relieving stress, forgiving helps with heart blood pressure, according to researchers at the University of California, USA.

 Forgiving strengthens your immunology

A study in the Journal of Behavioral Medicine showed that forgiving strengthens the immune system, as well as offering stress relief and improving adverse reactions.

Improves relationship and self-confidencebenefits of forgiveness

Research published in the Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin says that forgiveness reinforces trust in yourself and in others, as well as highlighting the positive behaviors of the person who has forgiven. That is, forgiving is mainly associated with behaviors that involve empathy and altruism.

It's good for your life

Forgiving is releasing yourself. It is an unparalleled evolution and maturation. In addition, forgiving makes your life lighter and without regrets, no longer having to carry that constant "weight" in your chest.

β€œThe weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is an attribute of the strong.” – Mahatma Gandhi

Written by Bruno Melo of the Eu Sem Fronteiras Team

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