Being busy doesn't mean productivity

    Being too busy doesn't mean producing too much. In fact, in many cases it can be the opposite, since the person can be completely occupied due to the inability to organize time, which makes him/her produce very little. So the secret to making the most of your time is efficiency. That's why we've separated some tips on how you can be more efficient in your time and enjoy life more, whether producing more or having more time for leisure. See below:

    close social networks

    Social networks are great productivity villains. An hour of work can turn into a few minutes of production if you have Facebook notifications calling you all the time on your smartphone or in your browser tab. If you want to produce more and make time, go into your social media settings and disable the notifications options. Leave to see them only when you have real free time. The fewer interruptions, the better.

    do one thing at a time

    Multitasking is a cool idea until you realize you can't finish anything you start. It's all too easy to lose focus and leave things unfinished when your time is split between too many different tasks. So train your focus and do one thing at a time; preferably without any interruption.

    have an agenda

    Whether it's a paper or digital agenda, the important thing is to have written down the deadline for each task you have. With this, you will understand that you need to prioritize what is most urgent, not wasting time on tasks that still need much more time to complete. Make it a habit to check your schedule daily and keep it up to date.

    Learn to say โ€œnoโ€

    When asked for a favor or help while you are full of other things to do, learn to say โ€œnoโ€. Helping others is fine, but only if you can really focus on the task at hand. If you try to make more commitments than you can, you won't be able to finish your tasks, let alone help those who asked you for a hand. So learn to say "no" and explain that you don't have time to make new commitments.

    Being busy doesn't mean productivity

    Difficult tasks in the morning

    When we wake up, the energy level is still high, so take advantage of the morning to do the most difficult tasks of the day. We often spend a lot more time solving something when we're low on energy than we would early on. So keep in mind what else is going to require energy and get it done in the morning.

    Food and healthy living

    This tip is a clichรฉ, but it's true. If you don't eat properly, maintaining a healthy life, energy and disposition will decrease and you won't be able to focus and produce well. So put health first. That way, you will be much more able to produce more and more efficiently.

    Written by Ricardo Sturk from Team Eu Sem Fronteiras.

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