
When I revisit everything that has happened in my life, I realize how the ways I managed to deal with beginnings have changed over time. For the most part, there was great resistance to the new; a reluctant way to deal with the stress zone. The safe place used to seem like the best choice to me. And, to a certain extent, it is. There are less chances of frustrations, there are less responsibilities, there are less risks.

Realize? It's anything but. The famous comfort zone inevitably ends up accommodating us in the least. We postpone. We tell stories. We risk little, we fear the risk of flying without a safety net. In the last 15 years, though, I've started to want more of everything. More of me, more of life, more of relationships. Most! I discovered that the maxim of cause and effect is an absolute truth, and that, one way or another, we will always pay a price. For the choices, for the resignations.


A little over 5 years ago, this relationship with the new really took hold in me. I abandoned old crystallized truths, decided to focus on growth and gave up the supposed security, took responsibility for doing what needs to be done and, above all, let go of everything that stopped making sense to live what I deserve, exactly for the new choices. Self-responsibility.


Some new ingredients are needed in this equation that has been established, and for each of us they will be different. In my case, I wanted to believe, I sought the necessary courage, I dared more than usual and, above all, I clearly outlined the actions that should be taken, effectively and functionally. As? Looking inside. Looking at me. The distance that separates me from the other is exactly the distance that separates me from myself.


All these perceptions, when coming into contact with my interior, brought a new meaning to me. A new meaning for my life! The external environment ends up revealing exactly how we are relating to ourselves. And since the subject is starting, it was only when I accessed the strength of my inner child and healed it within me, that I could truly manifest in the world, all the possibilities that exist in my essence.

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In the inward dive, I found my abilities dormant by habits, customs, oblivion, external forces and, undeniably, my own conscious and unconscious choice. The moment I allowed myself to bring this up, the world responded almost instantly. It was my attitude. It was my vibe. For someone who was scared of beginnings, I find there, in essence, the power needed to start, every day, new journeys towards a new me. It is worth allowing ourselves to want more out of life. Life wants more from us too. Authorize yourself!

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