beautiful meeting of souls

In eternity, a beautiful meeting of souls.

Everything happens by chance.

What marks a first date is the magic of the energy of allowing yourself.

The universe takes care of the arrangements and all.

Fear passes, fullness comes.

Neither love nor friendship.

Just two souls who surrender.

beautiful meeting of souls

There is only the complete whole, unhindered.

An explosion of creation and various co-creations.

A dance in the middle of the ocean.

The mighty waves lapping around.

Announcing changes, as in the sky, in the shapes of the clouds that move.

All clairvoyance, all vision, like pure silk, on soft, smooth cloths chanted that both would be together.

After the feeling of noticing some time or place there within you.

It makes the heart happy and fluttering.

No, it doesn't need an explanation.

Just feel.

beautiful meeting of souls

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This person will always be there at all times, in good times as well as in not so good times.

This connection is unparalleled! Only!

Magnetically and romantically we accept: it is our soul mate.

A meeting of souls, a great love.

Regardless of preconceived connections and relationships, fears, conflicts, or even meaninglessness, this empty space is filled.

We all have multiple soulmates!

According to your current moment in this experience and its expansions, one can stand out.

Awakening consciousness, we perceive different soulmates.

Taking care of self-light, as well as self-love, we naturally attract likes to us.

Taking that special leap might seem crazy.

What a delight, then, to go mad like this!

Experiences motivate to fulfill desires.

beautiful meeting of souls

What does your soul yearn for?

See, open your eyes: love.

Work on the possibilities of Being.

Align the frequencies.

Identify the features.

In the present, now it is already happening.

Be the soul mate instead of wanting to have a soul mate.

Put action, put movement into intention and feeling.

Create and co-create your reality.

It's so beautiful the feeling that we seem to know a person without ever having seen them before, in addition to all their history!

Is it?

What matters is harmony.

Allow yourself for souls to evolve.

Our! How much emotion!

How many inexplicable joys!

Soulmates are like butterflies: they are constantly changing.

The results of these metamorphoses are wonderful learning experiences!

beautiful meeting of souls

It may be necessary to overcome some challenge.

One soulmate may be ready, the other not yet.

Hence, to transcend, to seek to tune in, to have proximity to be together.

This synchronicity generates peace, well-being and happiness.

Twin souls belong without belonging.

They just are.

Soulmates always have a beautiful soul meeting!

Gratitude! I love Amituofo! Namaste!

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