Be whole, not half

    We came into this world and the first untruth we learn is lack, but in fact, lack is nothing. We are whole and we do not need the other to be complete. We came full of grace and a vast desire to explore and overflow in this world!

    We are the sum and nothing should be to divide or diminish! You are complete and there is no such thing as being half someone! Often, we suffer for not realizing how much we really love each other, how much we are so whole! Wake up, have courage, dive deep into yourself and realize the true value that you are.

    Be whole, not half

    Don't be fooled by the lack, it embarrasses the mind, life, brakes you and sets you up in a world of halves that shouldn't even exist. Don't settle for halves! First you complete yourself, then you add and the rest…what else? Living half is utopia! As Joana Brito says: “I'm not made of halves, I don't know how to give in half, I don't know how to love in half…. Maybe that's why I suffer, because I'm so whole that I'm not content with halves." Think about it!

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