Be what you already are

Reach where? Search what? What, in fact, needs to be achieved? Have you ever stopped to think about it? Have you ever considered the possibility that you are acting like a dog reaching for its own tail?
There is nothing better or more powerful than what already exists here and now, vibrating within you! Anything other than what you already are is pure illusion.

Be what you already are

The great challenge is not to achieve something, but to discover yourself. You suffer because you haven't discovered your True Nature, you still have no idea of ​​your own greatness, you live with saucers in your hand around the world, looking for help, without realizing that you are an absolutely fortunate being. You live in reverence for others without realizing that you are a divine being, with attributes that reflect all the beauty and grandeur of the Universe. The throne of the Universe is yours, but you live like a beggar, begging in front of a castle that belongs to you, wandering in the streets of the Kingdom itself without knowing that you are the King and the owner of it all.

It happens to you for the simple fact that you are still sleeping, living in a dream world, totally unaware of Reality. You are an eternal friend, and that's no small thing. You bring the attributes of existence, consciousness and happiness itself, so what else do you need?

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“Oh, I wish I was at peace…”

Don't want it, my friend, because it's precisely wanting that is keeping you from peace. Wanting is an escape mechanism like any other, which prevents you from realizing the peace that is your very nature. In fact, this is an escape from oneself, for every time we desire something we are denying what we already have and who we are.

Peace is your natural state and the hell you live in is totally artificial. He was created by your ignorance, because he is the fruit of your fears and your insecurities. You are trapped in a state of torpor, totally intoxicated by illusions created out of your own desires. Without realizing it, you were trapped on an island of lotophagous, like Homer's characters in the Odysseus saga, so you don't even notice time pass, you don't even suppose that you live in a slave condition.

Investigate deeply, and then you will understand the depth of these words, because there is nothing to improve. God doesn't make mistakes and wouldn't make mistakes just with you. Everything in the Universe reflects the perfection of Brahman. Everything is in its place and nothing happens outside of cosmic determinism. Even scandals are necessary, as Jesus explained.

You don't need to fill in anything. You're just here, by the way, to empty yourself. Only that which loses importance and meaning for you can set you free. Search the speeches of all enlightened beings who have ever come to this planet and you will always find the same recommendations: detachment and renunciation. It is necessary to lose total interest in this world in order to get out of it, because our comings and goings on this Wheel of Samsara are conditioned by illusory desires and needs.

Be what you already are

Stop dreaming of better conditions, because the conditions that Life is offering you are precisely those that meet your internal demands. You need to go through what you are going through, so there are no injustices or mistakes in the Dynamics of the Universe. Accept everything, trust God, trust Universal Logic, surrender and surrender, because there is nothing to be done.

“It is not what you do, but what you stop doing that matters” (Nisargadatta Maharaj).

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