Be the protagonist of your journey!

We often build walls, insurmountable barriers that imprison us, discarding a light, directed, transforming look, isolating ourselves from our own energy, the divine spark that lives in each of us and drives us to a prosperous path, maybe not exactly the idealized one, but beyond what is necessary, the constructed one, a kind of junction between what we want and what we are capable, at that particular moment, of achieving.

Why does it happen?

After we have already discussed a little about the power of our mind, that is, how our brain processes everything we think (see previous post about RAS), I would like to bring a more intense reflection and show that our life is our responsibility and we have the duty to do the best we can every day!

โ€œGod grants us, every day, a page of new life in the book of time. What we put in it, runs on our own." (Chico Xavier)

Be the protagonist of your journey!

The objective is not to approach religion, but to show that we need to realize that we decide the paths we will follow, we also decide if we will see all the opportunities that life offers us or complain about the current situation: dating, work, bills to pay, weight body, among many other ways we find to self-sabotage... Yes, the truth is that we create excuses to complain instead of looking at what really matters, most of the time for fear of failure...

Failure is not trying to find a solution, failure is accepting to live sad, unmotivated, without energy, without life purpose!

Be the protagonist of your journey!

Each of us needs to have a purpose, it should be our direction, everything we do needs to be linked to it and that's how life starts to have a special meaning, so we'll come to see how much the Universe conspires in our favor and the how strong and resilient we can be! Don't let your life go unnoticed!

Master Jesus already said: โ€œYou are godsโ€ (Psalm 82-6); We are masters of our own destiny! So "lift your head, shake the dust and turn around"! Only depends on you!

You might also like:
  • The power of the mind, how to control your thoughts
  • The Healing Power of Constellations and Self-Constellations
  • 8 ways to have a full life

Don't make any more excuses, don't continue to support your own journey!

Be protagonist!

Reflect: What can I do today to change this pattern?

The time is now!

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