Be real to attract real people

One thing is for sure, being who we really are, showing our true selves, we will attract people of the same energetic frequency.

We can't always act in a way that hides our true feelings, desires and still want those around us to be transparent.

In the course of our lives, we can suffer some painful disappointments and, many times, we end up creating some layers, I think we want to protect ourselves. But too much protection can create a wrong appearance.

Be real to attract real people
Photo the Wilhelm Gunkel the Unsplash

Onions, that's right, onions! Many of us are like those huge layered onions and it's not just difficult for others to reach our heart or even understand our feelings. It gets really complicated even for us who are this onion. It's hard to look inside, it's tiring to lift all those layers.

By creating all these comfort zones, we will not be original. The funny thing about this life is our flaws, our clumsy way, our laughter, our tragic stories that you can be sure that in a few years will not be so dramatic anymore. We become interesting people when we are able to digest our sad moments and tell about them in a circle of friends, but now in a different perspective.

We don't need to always be walking on eggshells, afraid to show our scars and joys.

Let us be faithful to ourselves!

Test yourself. How many old secrets were you scared to death to find out and today are the stupidest things, no one wants to know?

Be real, original, high spirits. It's okay, your biggest flaws will delight whoever is by your side.

Don't be too shy with yourself, have more fun. Just, for today, don't read the label!

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Letting things be lighter, those around you will be that way too. Don't be alarmed if some people turn away, they are not obligated to like your true self, and that's great, because you're also not obligated to tolerate people who don't add anything to you.

Stop being an onion, you will discover that being a banana is nothing like what they say!


I'm sorry!

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