Be open to new cycles

Philosophers believe that nature is the greatest of all masters. Contemplating the Universe and its mutations is the same as giving meaning to our own existence. If nature goes through continuous transitions, it is understood that, as members, we are also destined for the same.

“Inertia is synonymous with death. The law of life is change.” Simone de Beauvoir

Nature has never been inert, it is cyclical and gives meaning to our own cycles. During the literacy of life, we end up getting stuck in a single stage and dissipate the learning that we should have retained. To continue the movement, give voice to time. As co-creators of our reality, we need to insert endpoints into our phases – whether good or bad – in order to release the flow to reach new psychic levels each season.

“Like the seasons, life has cycles. The best days are like old memories of a summer filled with laughter, adventure and warmth. But after summer comes autumn. Leaves fall, circumstances change. And winter is so treacherous that it's almost impossible to tell when it actually starts and when it ends. The days are darker, shorter. They seem to know that if they were long, they would take down even the bravest among us. The seasons give us the opportunity to rediscover the meaning of patience. They lead us to reflection, to the hope of a new spring. In autumn, in winter, we wait for spring to come. And just like the seasons, so is life.” Tiago Arrais

Be open to new cycles

Seeing the natural movements of life through a more sensitive perspective is essential for understanding the whole. Self-analysis allows us to reframe not-so-happy periods and understand the purpose of each situation.

Have you ever felt stuck in a phase that should have ended? A high price is paid when we stagnate and waste the course of life. To insist on what has already been accomplished or should have been accomplished is to create labyrinths with no way out. As long as we are rejecting what winter has to teach us, symbolically, we are saying 'no' to the arrival of spring. With the advent of a new cycle, new opportunities multiply.

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We must have the courage to appreciate every second of the good moment, leaving it free to go. Just as we must have the courage to look into the eyes of sadness with love, looking for its purpose in it. Do not want to arrive at another destination with pending issues to resolve. As long as everything is not paid, the debt multiplies with the interest of lost time. Follow as long as there is a trail, or the effort of your walk will be worthless.

“It is characteristic of a mind that is sure of itself and peaceful to be able to travel through all the periods of its life.” seneca

Don't rush and don't delay. Look at yourself with the eyes of a tourist and explore places that have yet to be discovered. Each new experience designates a new faculty. The extraction of gold is done by prospectors - in the midst of the mud, between rocks that surround the rivers and streams -, apply the same to your problems and do an internal mining, you will surely find enough wealth to deal with the displeasures that surround you. To analyze the core of each moment with the aim of improving oneself is to be legitimately grateful to one's own existence.

“When something happens to you; always remember to turn within yourself and ask what faculty you have to deal with.” Epithet

It is also necessary to allow the heat to leave for the arrival of winter. As the cycles go by, any pain dispensed will turn into increasingly rooted summers of happiness. Deservedly have a genuine summer, but know that peace of mind not only depends on the season, but also on the quality of your thoughts.

The philosopher Epictetus believes that to have peace in any and all seasons, it is enough not to question why events did not happen as you wished, but to let events happen as they do. Nothing has power over our harmony but ourselves, and if we are entirely responsible for the state of mind that affects us, there is no reason to fear the new.

“There is nothing permanent but change.” Heraclitus of Ephesus

Giving meaning to life is being the architect of one's own existence, it is having the autonomy to close, initiate and re-signify cycles. Don't leave on autopilot what can be coordinated by you. Regardless of what the cards, the shells, the stars and luck say, the time has come to take the reins of your destiny. Write your story hand in hand with all the pains and joys that made you reach this chapter of life.

Happy new cycle!

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