Be happier in 7 days

We live in days when the rush takes over our routine. So it becomes quite easy to feel sorry for ourselves and get lost in the feeling of boredom. But even on the hardest days, some people manage to remain optimistic and face the blows of life, only with joy.

Some individuals are fortunate enough to possess a more positive and optimistic temperament. But, using some techniques during your week, it is possible to improve your mood a lot. Discover seven of them here:

Day one: write, journal

A good tip to start being happier is to start a journal. Being able to put feelings in the form of words helps to control emotions and, thus, you will be able to analyze them from another perspective, from a new angle.

With just fifteen minutes a day dedicated to writing a diary, symptoms of anxiety and depression are considerably reduced, in addition to providing an improvement in performance in activities and strengthening the immunity system.

Day Two: Practice Kindness

Ever heard that kindness begets kindness? So it is. As cliché as it may sound, practicing kindness works in the process of becoming a happier person. According to research, people with more generosity in their personality are generally healthier and happier.

Day Three: Appreciate Who You Really Love

Have you ever imagined yourself without the company of that great friend of yours or your partner? It hurts just thinking about it, doesn't it? A recent study found that those who are less attached to the people they love feel better. This happens because they have come to understand that these people will not always be available to them. But it's important to know that they love them too. However, everyone has a different way of showing this feeling.

Fourth day: remember the good times you had in life

Be happier in 7 days

It is very important to have a purpose and a goal in your life. It has recently been discovered that people who have meaning in life are mentally tougher. Seeing old photographs is a good option to remind yourself in the most difficult times of the things that are really worth it, such as friends, family, achievements, jobs, etc.

In addition, this habit helps to alleviate sufferings from anxieties and disappointments that have been caused more recently.

Fifth day: bow to yourself

Our days tend to become tedious because of routine. Therefore, a good tip is to allow yourself to revere, whether it is a religious type of service, look at a starry sky, or just think about what is really good for us. It makes us happier, more selfless, and less anxious and impatient.

Sixth day: For at least a week, forget about your vices

Over time, some of the things that once gave us great pleasure end up losing their intensity, leading us to the eternal search for complete satisfaction.

Abandoning sources of this pleasure for at least a week, such as the favorite television show, that beer at happy hour, the favorite candy, is important for us to be able to rediscover what caused us delight in the beginning. After the seven days, you will feel a new sense of pleasure, as well as discover other sources of delight and entertainment.

Having this awareness helps us to see the small pleasures of our life, also improving anxiety and stress.

Seventh day: free yourself from guilt

The last step to being happier is to stop dwelling on past wounds. Guilt, for example, causes several negative effects, in addition to providing unhappiness and a lot of anxiety.

Therefore, a good tip is to start cultivating only good feelings towards yourself and those around us.

Text written by Flávia Faria Santos from the Eu Sem Fronteiras Team.

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