Be careful what you think!

Beloved! We are crossing from the Third Dimension to the Fifth Dimension. This shift involves the entire Planet and all its kingdoms and energies, so it is called Planetary Transition.

It has been said here some time ago that this Transition takes around 300 years. As we are informed by the celestial hosts that form the Planetary Command, this Transition began in the middle of the XNUMXth century. By logic, we are in the last decades for its conclusion.

When the Earth, along with the entire Solar System, definitively entered the Photon Belt, that is, within the beam of Crystalline Light emanating from the Galactic Central Sun, at the end of 2012, the energies coming from this Light destroyed the magnetic grid that surrounded it. Earth as if it were a prison.

This grid acted as a shield and prevented the Galactic Forces from reaching the Earth Crust and helping to free human minds enslaved by the dark forces and the Lords of Darkness.

Since man has existed as the host of an immortal Spirit, these dark forces (Archons, also called Drakonians and Reptilians) acted like space pirates. They captured Earth and enslaved it, according to their interests.

Be careful what you think!
spirit111 / Pixabay / Canva

With the shadow created here on Earth, human consciousness was limited. This limitation was established within a low frequency band, cataloged as the Third Dimension, that is, the lowest Dimension that can be admitted in the existence of a Spirit.

By way of comparison, the First Dimension is the very center of the Earth; itself and its telluric movements (earthquakes, tidal waves, volcanoes, lightning, storms, etc.). The Second Dimension is the elementals. In addition to the four elements themselves, we still have the beings we come from and their realms. In addition to animals, vegetables and minerals, we also have Fairies, Gnomes, Salamanders, Nymphs, Tritons, Mermaids, etc.

The Third Dimension, then, is humanity as we know it, whose human bodies differ from other animals by virtue of having an immortal Spirit that survives after death.

The Fourth Dimension is the Spiritual World where the Spirits go after disconnecting from matter, that is, in the beyond tomb. This world invisible to the physical eyes is very similar to what we see while incarnate. It is the continuation of life in a second body (perispirit), which carries all the baggage of the soul. Once evaluated and understood, this consciousness that never dies programs a new incarnation to correct and rehabilitate the Spirit of its past failures.

Be careful what you think!
Agsandrew / Getty Images / Canva

The Fifth Dimension is a magnetic vibration of very high voltage (energy), where there is no longer any shadow, as it comes from the intense incidence of Photonic Light (crystalline). The Light is so great that nothing is hidden, not even people's thoughts.

In the Fifth Dimension (5D) there is no energy dense enough to create deceptive subterfuges as in 3D. Therefore, there is no evil, nor pain and suffering. 5D is a world of Regeneration, where full consciousnesses put all 3D learning into practice.

It is precisely this learning that will determine the separation of the wheat and the chaff. It is this learning that will determine who is able to inherit the New Earth, this 5D Planet and who will be exiled to another still primary Planet, that is, one that has the 3D vibration as Earth has always been until now.

In the New Earth, that is, in the Fifth Dimension, there will be no more evil. There will be no Overpowering Power anymore. There will be no suffering; just the practice of the learning we take from the 3D world. In 5D there will be no more diseases! So you don't get sick, you don't get old and you don't die. There is no need to disincarnate, as it is no longer a world of tests and atonements, where the Spirit needed to disincarnate to go to 4D, where it could recover the consciousness of its previous existences and analyze its mistakes and successes.


Although a part of humanity cannot achieve its moral evolution to inherit the New Earth, even though it is an exiled future, consciousness still undergoes transformation here and now.

The ability to create is inherent in the transitional phase of worlds. It can either create the consciousness of good or it can create the evil mind. The potential is the same, what differs is the potency of this creation.

Awakened consciousness is moving forward or is already within 5D energy where everything is intense, while unawakened consciousness is still stuck in 3D energy where everything is slow and limited.

Consciousness in 5D here means alerting to a detail: any thought, whether good or bad, will infinitely potentiate the achievement of the result according to what you are desiring. Not only desiring, but also fearing, feeling, loving, hating, etc.

Be careful what you think!
Vardea / Getty Images Pro / Canva

While a desire in 3D has a limitation according to its low frequency, a thought of someone who already vibrates in 5D has the possibility of potentiating thousands of times. Therefore, the conscious mind in 5D, a few people can represent millions of others in 3D.

5D consciousness can connect with the Celestial Helpers, which justifies so many people channeling messages that no book or media channel brings. That's also why the dark forces can only use people who are still trapped in 3D.

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So, my beloved ones, remember the Parable of the Great Master Jesus: β€œYou CANNOT SERVE TWO MASTERS AT THE SAME TIME”. So let's change our thoughts and vibrations. Enough of hate, resentment and separation. Who wants this are the last remnants of Darkness who still insist on pitting brothers against brothers. They know very well how to dominate the mass, after all, they have always done it since the dawn of humanity.

It's time to get to know each other more. It is time to awaken consciousness. It's time to make the Transition! Or, let's go back to a Planet as Earth was millions of years ago, long before the Stone Age. See what you want to create for yourself. No one else can do it for you!

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