Basic beauty care that every man should have

    Some types of male beauty care, which a few years ago were left aside, are becoming increasingly popular. With the wide variety of products and the vast options of treatments and aesthetic care, men are increasingly surrendering to vanity.

    Thinking that A few simple tips can make a difference at the time of each one's routine care, and realizing that men like to feel attractive and well-groomed, here are some basic care that all men should know.

    Trimming your nose hair is essential

    All right, we know that the hairs present in the nasal cavities are very important to filter the air we breathe and to prevent various germs from entering our respiratory system. But that doesn't mean you have to be left with a giant tuft of hair sticking out of your nose.

    So, trim those extra hairs regularly. If you can, you can pull the remaining hairs out with tweezers. If you find the process too painful, there are several trimming machines on the market that do the job very well.

    It is necessary to take care of the skin of the face when shaving

    In addition to those basic tips you've probably heard, like changing your razor often, getting your face wet before shaving, and running the blades in the direction of hair growth, it's also important to know that your skin is likely to be irritated if not done correctly. hydrated and cared for.

    For this, it is very important that you choose quality shaving creams (forget the history of using bath soap) and always apply an aftershave lotion, which will soothe your skin and still moisturize the fibers scratched by the blade.

    Basic beauty care that every man should have

    A good haircut makes all the difference!

    Yes, there are still a lot of men out there who haven't learned the importance of a good haircut. Often because of laziness, men end up putting off going to the salon to get their haircut again, and consequently end up looking disheveled and careless.

    This may be a little new to some people, but when the men's cut is done carefully and professionally, facial features and masculine beauty are more apparent and attractive. So, don't ask your girlfriend to "fix" her hair with household scissors (yes, I know a lot of men who still do that). Invest in a good professional and find out which cut is best for you.

    Using moisturizer is very important

    It's not just female skin that needs regular hydration. Men also need to hydrate their body and face, but they often end up forgetting about it. The big problem in this case is that most men do not believe that the bad habit of keeping the skin without care is not harmful. But they are wrong! Hydrating the body is not just a matter of aesthetics.

    Not to mention that the older we get, the thinner our skin gets and the less sebum we are able to produce. Hence the even greater need to hydrate the body frequently.

    Take care of razor cuts with lip balm

    Did you know that, in addition to moisturizing your lips, these lip balms are great for taking care of wounds caused by shaving? No matter how careful we take it, it is inevitable that the skin will be injured after shaving. And, for these cases, we have a great healing tip: lip balms. That's because, in addition to stopping the blood from bruises, the wax in lip balms is very good to help with the clotting of wounds on the face.

    Keep your nails short and well-groomed

    Just because you don't like going to the manicure doesn't mean your nails need to be long, crooked and unkempt. Whenever the white part of the nails starts to appear, it's time to trim them to length and finish with a file.

    In addition, it is important that you pay attention to the accumulation of dirt on your hands. Keeping your nails clean and well-groomed shows that you care about hygiene and well-being.

    Written by Laís Mori from the Eu Sem Fronteiras Team

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