back to origin

We are all inmates. Some more, some less. Many have no choice: it's front-line work in hospitals, clinics, public cleaning services, police stations, supermarkets. Those who can, stay at home.

At home or on the streets, we are all hostages. Fear became an almost certainty. Let's remember our ancestors, the cavemen. In those distant times, fear was an essential matter for survival. Time has passed, things and man have evolved, but that fear that helped us survive has its place reserved in our memory, in our bones, in our skin. Even these days it seems that we are always preparing for an attack (it took years of practice). In addition to dinosaurs, we deal with wars, witch hunts, terrorism, viruses, bacteria, phobias.

back to origin

Thinking about it today, a real threat has aroused fear on every face of the planet. No, it is no longer a “blockbuster” about the end of the world. It's real life. Just go out the window to see people on the streets wearing masks, gloves, moving away from each other. This is our current scenario.

We return to the origin. In fear, in the uncertainty of survival, in impotence. So should we let fear take over everything and sit idly by waiting for something fateful and unknown to take everything we have and know? Of course. Returning to the origin is more than this mixture of bad feelings towards the enemy. It's being able to rediscover yourself, find the courage and strength that we all have inside us. The ability to reinvent yourself, to persist, to encourage, to strengthen and to love. How many of us were so busy that we didn't even know our own home anymore? There was no more dialogue with those who shared the same roof, the same dreams. There was no more eye-to-eye, true gratitude, no respect for nature. Consuming consumed us.

Yes, back to the origin. The origin of all feelings, affections and bonds: the human being. Let's win one more time. And the fear? Fear will once again be the driving valve of evolution.

As Oswaldo Montenegro said in his song “Half”:

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“May the strength of the fear I have

Don't keep me from seeing what I long for;

That the death of everything I believe in

Do not cover my ears and mouth;

'Cause half of me is what I scream,

But the other half is silence…”

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