Attachment is perhaps one of the feelings most confused with love.

Attachment is perhaps one of the feelings most confused with love. It is precisely because he disguises himself so well that he infiltrates couples, families and friends, causing damage that often becomes irreversible.

To avoid self-punishment, it is important to understand that in our evolutionary condition, attachment is still inherent to beings on the terrestrial orb. When I say terrestrial orb, I mean, both on the physical and extraphysical planes, to the attachment that exists on both sides, both between us incarnates and between the discarnates. Accepting this condition is important for us to avoid conflicts, but it does not exempt us from the task of working on attachment.

Attachment is perhaps one of the feelings most confused with love.

Many people confuse attachment with love. Although they walk together, they are different feelings. We can say that attachment is linked to our ego, which constantly seeks self-preservation, and love for our divine part. While love is free from any negative manifestation that causes pain and suffering, attachment goes against the grain, it is responsible for the manifestation of various negative emotions and habits.

The way attachment manifests itself is what makes it difficult to identify.

The result of this for us is a great emotional exhaustion, which over time manifests itself as illness. This struggle to control, care for, maintain and have, disrupts our vibratory state, blocking the absorption of vital energy that our subtle bodies need. Over time the physical body is affected, losing balance and health.

Jealousy, control, dominance, fear, insecurity are just a few manifestations of attachment. This list could go on a lot, as it manifests itself differently in each of us, and always making us believe in the illusion that we cannot live without the object of our desire, “pressing our button” of fear, jealousy, control, manipulation, insecurity…

Attachment is perhaps one of the feelings most confused with love.

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As a result, we begin to overprotect, control, monitor, manipulate, and even persecute and obsess those to whom we are attached. To justify these attitudes, we say that it is care, love and protection, until attachment becomes negative and starts to suffocate and kill what we struggle the most to have and keep. But how to fight it?

First, accept that it exists, and frankly assess whether it is a problem factor for you or others.

Secondly, be aware in which situations it manifests itself. This insight helps us to know our weaknesses.

Third, have the patience to effect the change. Most of us take a longer or shorter time to overcome certain tendencies, forcing a radical change only causes even more imbalances and suffering.

Bedroom, decide to change. After knowing attachment, understanding in which situations it manifests itself, being aware that it takes time for change. So it's time to be honest and decide if you really want to change. If the answer is YES, then it's time to start changing attitudes.

Fifth, force. After making the decision to change, we will certainly encounter numerous difficulties. It is at that moment that we begin the inner and personal struggle, it is that battle that no one can fight for us. To win, we must remain strong and convinced that this is the best choice for us and for those we love.

Attachment is perhaps one of the feelings most confused with love.

Once the first resistances have been overcome, we begin to perceive our change. Along comes a personal satisfaction and joy that gives us strength and motivation to continue. Until there comes a time when we no longer need to make an effort, because we manage to change the negative habit. From this satisfaction we understand that there is still much to change, but that every effort is worth it to free our soul from the illusory chains of the ego.

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