Astrological signs and myths: Libra

    Libra: September 22nd to October 21st

    Libra (or Libra) marks the beginning of autumn in the northern hemisphere. Days and nights are balanced in terms of length, but slowly the night becomes longer. The resting phase for Nature begins, the involutionary cycle of vegetation. It is in this sign that, symbolically, the midpoint of absolute balance between evolution and involution is situated.

    The dynamic image of this balance is represented on the two scales. It is the symbol of Justice. Libra also realizes the union of forces, of people: it unites souls, projecting the independent unity within another unity, with the purpose of realizing the double, Love.

    As an expression of balance and the just measure of all things, Libra implies the awareness that leaves behind an old way of being to meet a new complementary form (according to psychologist Carl. G. Jung: “conjuncto oppositorum ”). In this sign, love and justice, the warmth of feeling and the rigor of reason merge, in order to avoid disorder..

    Astrological signs and myths: Libra

    Not sign of Libra, or I seek my own complement in the relationship with the Other, and it is in the realization of the Other, in the knowledge of the “You”, that Libra fully realizes its own being. To achieve this, Libra must necessarily seek contact with the Other, go through all the uncertainties and unknowns of the encounter, accept the risk of disillusionment and strive to achieve union. The myth of Psyche and Eros is the most suitable to illustrate the Libra theme, as it contains the search for the real image of the Other.

    Psyche, a woman thirsty for perfection and idealism, marries the god of Love, Eros (called Cupid by the Romans), son of the goddess Aphrodite (or Venus). It was a loving union, however, she could not see her husband's face, for Eros came in the hours of darkness and left before dawn.

    Communion with the Other takes place with intimacy, with loving and erotic delivery, and not through appreciation and rational knowledge.

    Psyche becomes increasingly obsessed with the desire to see her husband, even though she is aware that this desire is opposed by an express prohibition by the gods of Olympus. Defying the gods, Psyche decides to light an oil lamp to illuminate and see the sleeping Eros face. But as she marvels at his beauty, the oil spills out and wakes him up. Eros addresses her annoyed by the infraction and abandons her.

    From that moment on, Psyche's desperate pilgrimage in search of Eros begins, through all corners of the Earth, with the painful memory of lost happiness, even if enjoyed only in darkness. Psyche climbs to the top of the Tower of Knowledge, but Eros is far away and impossible to find. Psyche tries to commit suicide, but is prevented by an unknown voice, which suggests the way to go. After failing the test she was subjected to, Eros takes pity on Psyche and her help, taking her to Olympus, where they celebrate the sacred nuptials. Thus, the myth means the impossibility of finding, in human nature, the ideal balance.

    In Libra, absolute dualism becomes manifest. Psychologically, the natives of this sign are oriented towards keeping themselves in balance, away from difficulties through compromise. This can limit the possibility of expressing instinctual and creative passions. Libras value harmony and beauty. They hate routine. They are diplomatic and like to work in a team. They are successful in the arts and humanitarian causes. They are romantic and even sentimental, and can be good companions and good parents.

    Their attachment to pleasures can bring problems, leading them to commit excesses, guided by superficial passions. His opinions can easily change and because he fears conflict with others, he can often withdraw.


    “Astrology and Myth” – R. Sicuteri – Editora Pensamento – São Paulo – 1978.

    “The Golden Book of Mythology” – Thomas Bulfinch – Ediouro Publicações Ltda. – Rio de Janeiro – 2003.

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