Ascended Masters β€” Who are these beings of higher consciousness?

Surely you have heard of Angel Gabriel, Archangel Michael, Confucius and Master Saint Germain. They all have something in common! They make up a hierarchically organized celestial brotherhood known as the Great White Brotherhood, or Brotherhood of Light.

The Great White Brotherhood is composed of Ascended Masters (Chohans), Angels, Archangels, Elohins, Logos, Manus, Seraphim, Cherubim, Devas and Elementals. All of them are evolved beings that work for the fulfillment of the Divine Will, being all united to the Universal Unity, known as ONE.

In this text, we will know a little more about the Ascended Masters, beings of higher consciousness. Read on and learn how they help our collective spirituality!

The Ascended Masters or Ascended Masters are beings who have achieved great spiritual elevation after several incarnations as human beings. They are recognized as envoys and messengers of God. They are called masters because they spiritually guide all beings on Earth. They are ascended because they have left the earth plane boundaries towards the Light, representing spiritual ascension. They live in another dimension and help the planet in its evolutionary process.

In the Hindu religion, the Ascended Masters are known as avatars, divine beings who descend to Earth to bring teaching. They do not need to reincarnate, but they do so when they wish to fulfill a specific mission.

The knowledge of these beings of light can be applied in various areas of life, especially in health. The more balance there is, both physical and mental, emotional and spiritual, the better the prospects for evolution.

Ascended Masters β€” Who are these beings of higher consciousness?
Stefan Keller / Pixabay

They are between God and the Angels – the latter are winged beings who work as messengers. Also beings of light and members of the Great White Brotherhood, they are pure, merciful spirits and are at the service of human beings. They are given quests, tasks and responsibilities from the Archangels.

The Archangels, in turn, are at a higher level than the Angels in the hierarchy of the Great White Brotherhood. They receive Divine Light and emanate it properly for use by the Angels. They choose each Angel for a certain task. They are endowed with great powers and act for the good of all, also transmitting divine messages, guiding societies, leading to peace and transformation and illuminating the thoughts of influential and essential people for life on the planet, such as doctors, environmentalists, scientists, governments. etc. They give us faith and perseverance.

How does the ascension process work?

There are seven stages a person needs to go through to become an Ascended Master. They require study, dedication and self-knowledge – a real interest in evolving spiritually. They are, in summary:

– Knowing the principles of matter and consciously overcoming them: it means understanding how human life should be lived in a balanced and healthy way, without vices, well adapted to the environment, in harmony with other living beings.

– Assimilate the principles of cause and effect: it represents being aware of one's spiritual responsibility and detaching oneself from social rules and taboos. It is an awakening to the importance of connecting to the spiritual essence and letting go of the interest in having material things.

– Recognize the presence of the Higher Self in you: at this stage, thoughts become more efficient in solving complex everyday and even spiritual problems. There is an increase in brain frequency and a further development of mental capacity.

– Detachment: completely freeing oneself from the material world, social status, money, traditional lifestyle and friends, in order to turn to the development of qualities in the service of humanity.

Ascended Masters β€” Who are these beings of higher consciousness?
Devanath / Pixabay

– Understand the purpose of your incarnation on Earth: identify your own life mission, through a revelation, which can be a dream, an intense situation in the material world, such as a trip to a specific place, the meeting with someone who reveals something etc. There is an intuitively perceived manifestation.

– Experiencing the power of the Ascended State: consciously, the merging of oneself with the Body of Light is felt. He perceives the reception by the beings of light of the Great White Fraternity, receiving emanations.

– Recognize the true meaning of divine blessing: it evolves only through grace, and no longer through karma. It does not need the wheel of reincarnations, and the soul remains incarnated in a physical body, if for the benefit of humanity. It is the last possible stage on the physical plane, and higher ones will only occur if there is a disconnection from the terrestrial plane. It identifies total connection with the Higher Self and, by understanding the Unity (connection of all beings in the Universe), it can reach other dimensions, up to the sixth (divine grace) and overcome barriers of time and space.

Who are the Ascended Masters?

The Ascended Masters, beings of light from the Great White Brotherhood who have been on Earth, lovingly work to carry out the Divine Plan for humanity's planetary ascension. They are: Ascended Master El Morya, Ascended Master Confucius, Ascended Master Lady Rowena, Ascended Master Serapis Bey, Ascended Master Hilarion, Ascended Master Lady Nada and Ascended Master Saint Germain.

According to their affinities and potentialities, each Master serves a specific Cosmic Ray or Cosmic Flame, which is the natural division of the White Light, the Sacred Fire that emanates directly from God.

There are 7 Cosmic Rays with the main divine qualities to help people on the planet, and each has a rainbow color and frequency. Each of them is associated with an Ascended Master, who presides over it and applies the qualities it represents, working in our consciousness, in our set of beliefs and in our actions.

To receive the light or energies of each of the 7 Rays, just visualize the color surrounding the person, place and situation, and ask the beings of light that are part of it to emanate the qualities it represents.

Ascended Masters β€” Who are these beings of higher consciousness?
Jan Alexander / Pixabay

Also when people pray to God, the Ascended Masters catch the words and thoughts (vibrations) and also respond to them. A channel is established so that they can radiate their Threefold Flame (Power, Wisdom and Love) in the qualities that each of the 7 Rays represents.

In each of these rays there is an Archangel, a messenger who teaches us, inspires us and shows us how we can enjoy God's qualities. He helps bring awareness of the Ray into personal life and humanity.

When we strongly desire a certain energy upon our lives or upon the Earth, Angels, Archangels and Ascended Masters work so that it reaches us. For example, when we want to have faith, Archangel Michael and the Ascended Master of the Blue Ray work to bring this quality to us. When directing an order, it will be more easily fulfilled. So know who the Ascended Masters, Archangels and divine qualities are for each of the 7 Rays.

Blue Ray Ascended Master

This is the ray of Divine Will and Power, of determination, of courage, of self-confidence. Its Ascended Master, El Morya, was Melchior in the time of Jesus Christ, King Arthur and Thomas More. To ask for faith, protection and deliverance from evil, one can think of this color and pray to Archangel Michael.

Ascended Master of the Golden Ray

It is the ray of wisdom, elevation, enlightenment, understanding and discernment, associated with the Ascended Master Confucius. Archangel Jophiel – divine instructor of Angels, humans and Elemental beings, of those who wish to know about the Laws of God and life.

Ascended Master of the Rose Ray

The ray of unconditional love, adoration and beauty refers to Ascended Master Rowena. Archangel Samuel - removes the obstacles that prevent the fulfillment of God's Will and helps in the subsistence of men.

Ascended Master of the White Ray

The ray of purity, elevation, hope and resurrection relates to the Ascended Master Serapis Bey. Archangel Gabriel – transmits Divine news and protects women during childbirth.

Ascended Master of the Green Ray

The ray of healing, truth, concentration and dedication, chosen by Ascended Master Hilarion. Archangel Raphael – protector of health, calms people's physical pain and spirit and helps to heal animals.

Ascended Master of the Ruby Ray

The ray of peace, mercy, healing and devotion, chosen by Ascended Master Lady Nada. Archangel Uriel – responsible for supporting the entire evolution of the Earth. Also known as the Angel of Death.

Ascended Master of the Violet Ray

It is the ray of order, transmutation, freedom, compassion and appeals, chosen by the Ascended Master Saint Germain. We are under the strong influence of this Master, in a period that began in 1950. Archangel Ezekiel – transforms misused energy into words, thoughts, attitudes and feelings. Promotes benevolence, mercy and memory. It brings freedom and fulfillment to our souls.

Ascended Masters β€” Who are these beings of higher consciousness?
RenΓ© Rauschenberger / Pixabay

In conclusion, the Ascended Masters are the beings of light and higher consciousness who support the spiritual upliftment of human beings on Earth.

The Divine Light is white, a mixture of all the colors of the rainbow, from which emanates all the energy that the Great White Brotherhood directs towards humanity. It is distributed in 7 Cosmic Rays, each with a specific color and characteristics. Led by an Ascended Master, they each have beings of light – Archangels and Angels among them – to radiate these qualities to humanity.

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To access the loving energy of the Ascended Masters, we can say an individual or collective prayer to the Archangel associated with the ray to which he belongs, being a powerful action to connect us to beings of light.

So think about how much you can transform your life by connecting more to the Higher Essence. And even though most of us are not up to the task of becoming an Ascended Master, we can broaden our consciousness and adopt more fraternal attitudes, as all beings of Light teach us!

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