art of detachment

detachment How to define this word? The dictionary tells us: Quality or state of someone who shows indifference, disinterest, detachment, for things or for a certain thing in particular; dismissal.

We can then classify into several levels of detachment:

material detachment

– Clean our closets without feeling guilty or afraid for one day we need what you are donating.

– Helping someone in financial need without worrying about tomorrow.

– Eliminate objects without observing their value.

detachment from superiority

– Leaving control over people or situations.

– Do not believe yourself irreplaceable.

emotional detachment

art of detachment– Let those we love go their way.

– Live each moment intensely without worrying about the future.

– Accept disincarnation naturally.

The time has come for a self-analysis, to know how much evolution we have really reached.

Christ taught us through the Gospel to cultivate detachment in several passages, one of them where he asks: β€œWho are my brothers and my mother?”.

Another he says to Nicodemus: "To see the kingdom of heaven, you must be born again." And so throughout his passage he preached charity as the way of salvation and respect for the Father's will above all else.

Are we able to accept the Father's will without questioning what Jesus taught?

Accept illness, crisis, unemployment, misery and even death, without questioning the superiority of God.

It still seems difficult to us, but we are learning and we are sure that the paths traced for our life can be smoothed when we accept our trials without murmuring. This does not mean that we should settle down, but fight with dignity to overcome the afflictions of life without complaints or lamentations.

A little story to record better

A Monk who was making his pilgrimage with an apprentice, arrives at a humble house and asks for an inn.

The owner, father of a family with his wife and 3 very malnourished children, welcomes the monk and tells him:

– Friend I can offer you the simple inn but we only have milk to drink our only bread is this cow that gives us sustenance.

During the dawn the monk gets up, calls his disciple and leaves the hut to continue his journey without telling anyone.

As he leaves, he says to the disciple:

– Take the cow to the canyon and push it down.

The indignant disciple questions the master:

– This is the only breadwinner of these wretches, how can I do this?

The master insists the disciple obeys and they go on their way.

All along the way, the disciple mentally wonders what he had done, but time passes and he forgets what happened.

After a few years they return to the same stops. In the distance, they dazzle a beautiful house where the hovel should have been. The apprentice immediately thinks:

– Poor people must have starved to death and others are in the house.

When they arrive, they are greeted euphorically by the owner who immediately recognized them and immediately said:

– Monk the night he left there was a horrible accident, our cow fell into the gorge and died. We spent some desperate moments, but soon we received help from some neighbors who gave us grain to plant and today we sell in the market and we have made a lot of progress. We have several cows and a large plantation.

The Monk looked at his disciple with affection, who immediately understood the lesson and continued on.

In life we ​​must havecourage to change what we can change, serenity to accept what we cannot change, and wisdom to know the difference".
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