Are you who you would like to be?

Concerns about not only aesthetic but also behavioral standards are increasing, especially in adolescence.

It is normal that all of us have gone through that phase where we have the image of someone, usually a famous or recognized figure, as an example and goal in life. This search for a guide, an orientation, is normal at this stage of life, we need to assert ourselves and for that we try to “imitate” someone we consider perfect, wonderful.

What often happens is that this fixation masks reality. In other words, the attempt to try to be someone else masks their natural characteristics, their own way of being and causes everything to be done to change, which can result in a process that is neither healthy nor pleasant.

My me

After a certain age, you begin to perceive your own identity and the tendency is to become more and more original and form your personality from a “mix” of coexistence and experiences. This is where maturation begins with greater judgment about your own behavior and thinking.

Even so, many people feel insecure about their identity and continue to cling to society's standards. A great example is in aesthetics. Are the clothes you wear really those that you like and that make you comfortable or are they those advertised by the media and said to be “fashionable”?

other perspectives

This entrapment is not limited to aesthetics. There are many examples of blocking due to this fear of being what you really are.

Are you who you would like to be?Even the thought, the expressing of opinions, can get stuck in some circle of discussion that imposes certain opinions pressuring your courage to express your true opinion.

The shame of showing your body is also another example. Regardless of whether you are satisfied with it or not, in the process of change or not, it is not necessary to hide it for fear of judgments.

Material goods also come into this. It is very common to find ourselves comparing our belongings to others. In some cases, they even start to consume products that they don't need or don't like because of a superficial “inspiration” in some figure they admire or even envy without realizing it.


It is very important for self-esteem, well-being and for the good flow of energy that we are ourselves. It's important to accept yourself and live your life the way you think is worthy, without imitating any other standards.

We live in a group and common rules are necessary, however, this is not a factor that should diminish your desires. You must trust yourself and, even with the following examples, have your own statement and opinion.

Text written by JĂşlia Zayas from the Eu Sem Fronteiras Team.

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